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Kelek Pickles

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 7 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 10 min
7 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Life gives melons to some and keleks to others. Now you know what to do when you come across kelek :)) Kidding aside, kelek pickles are one of my favorite pickles. It wasn't always going to be a sweet melon :)

Tips for making pickles

As can be seen from its appearance, kelek is a tiny and immature melon. The bad watermelon is also called kelek, but metaphorically. I think it would be less confusing if we defined keleks as baby melons.

You can find keleks at the stalls selling pickles in the markets these days. Besides, acure green tomatoes, ball peppers took their place in the stalls. There are also celery stalks to use in pickles at the same stalls. In other words, you can use celery stalks instead of dill according to your taste.

As you know pickled cucumbers We pierce it with a needle or fork so that the brine water can penetrate into it. This does not change in kelek pickles either. I made holes with a knife instead of using burlap etc.

I bought kelek again on Wednesday, especially for stuffing. If I find the time, I will prepare and share it as soon as possible.

As I mentioned in every pickle post Tips for making pickles You can find my article here.


Ingredients for Kelek Pickle Recipe

  • 1 kilo of medium-sized kelek
  • 8-10 pieces of chickpeas
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic
  • 1-2 large carrots (optional)
  • half a vineyard of dill

For the Pickle Juice:

Construction stages with photos at the link here.

  • 1,5 liter of boiled hot water (drinking water)
  • 1 cup of grape vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons of pickling salt (coarse salt)
  • 1 tablespoons of granulated sugar

How to Make Kelek Pickle Recipe?

  1. Wash the kelek thoroughly, cut off both ends without going too deep. Make holes in 2-3 places with a pointed knife half.
  2. Take 1,5 liter of hot water in a suitable size measuring cup or mixing bowl.
  3. Add vinegar, salt and sugar into it and mix until the salt dissolves.
  4. Once the salt has melted, set it aside to cool.
  5. Place the keleks you prepared, the carrots that you have peeled and sliced, chickpeas and peeled garlic in a clean glass jar.
  6. Fill the pickle juice to the top. Place the dill in the mouth of the jar and press down.
  7. Tightly close the lid of the jar. Turn it upside down to take its air and leave it in a place out of direct light for an average of 20-25 days without opening the lid until the lizards are wrapped.
  8. Serve by slicing the ripened pickle.

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