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Jar Salad (Grain)

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 5 oy 4,20/5)
Portion: Max - 1 People
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: dk
5 4.2 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

I have a super delicious, healthy and practical recipe for those who are bored of eating at school, at work, outside or in the cafeteria, and for those who are on a diet and cannot find what to eat. The most important thing when preparing this recipe is the jar. If you have a tightly closed and airtight jar, we can start :)

15 min

We started to organize my daily meals with my dear Dietician Beste. The regular and healthy diet that we started 1 month ago started to show results. I lost 5 kilos and I got 6 cm thinner. I will try to make this type of nutty and regular diet a habit as much as I can. Because the age is 35 and losing the weight I have gained is not as easy as it used to be.

Anyway, we talked about me a lot :) Now let's come to what we should pay attention to while preparing the jar salad. As I said, it's completely up to your taste, but we follow a certain way so that the salad is not crushed or mixed.

1- First of all, if we are going to use it on the bottom, we place the boiled legumes or the hard salad ingredients (grated carrots, finely chopped purple cabbage, etc.). We also add our bee sauce here.

2- If vegetables are to be used, they are listed here. If we are not going to use vegetables, we can add colorful salad ingredients such as red capia pepper etc.

3- On this floor, there are materials with high protein value such as cheese etc. If you want, you can also put the nuts on this floor.

4- Here comes the greens. After washing the greens in plenty of water, we remove the excess water with the help of a towel paper or a salad dryer. We tear it off with our hands and put it on this floor. Tomatoes that can easily be crushed will also be here.

Now let's come to the recipe of the jar salad with buckwheat, which I consume especially for breakfast in the morning :)

If you share my recipes with me on Instagram, I would love to publish them in my story. You can follow here.


Ingredients for Jar Salad (Grain) Recipe

  • 4 tablespoons of boiled buckwheat
  • fresh mint
  • parsley
  • dill
  • optional cucumber or purple cabbage
  • string cheese or feta cheese
  • 1-2 cherry tomatoes
  • 2 teaspoon of olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • 3 whole walnuts if you are not going to use olive oil


  1. Place the boiled buckwheat at the bottom of the jar with the help of a spoon.
  2. Those who will use the sauce can whisk olive oil and lemon juice and add it on top of the buckwheat.
  3. Place the cheese you want to use on top.
  4. Put the greens and dried fruits you have washed and dried on the top and close the lid.
  5. This way it can stay in the refrigerator for 2-3 days without spoiling.
  6. When you use it, turn the jar upside down on a serving plate, add salt and spices as desired and consume.



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