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Iftar Menu 27. Day 2017

Release Date: 22-06-2017
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As in previous years, I have prepared iftar menus for you to set up delicious and practical iftar tables in this Ramadan 2017.

From now on, we will be together with a new iftar menu every day during Ramadan. In addition, new recipes and recipe videos will be included in Kitchen Secrets during Ramadan.

It has become a tradition and makes us excited every week again. our instagram contest don't forget too :)

To be informed before anyone else about new recipes and contest announcements Facebookve Instagram Don't forget to follow my pages.

ramadan recipes

Get the nutrients you need to take during the day without tiring your stomach at iftar; For example, a serving of carbohydrates (four tablespoons of pasta or a piece of pita bread) is accompanied by a serving of protein (red or white meat). Getting enough carbohydrates will give you energy. Apart from these, be careful to consume vegetable dishes that help digestion.

And don't forget to drink fluids.


Iftar Menu 27. Day Recipes:

Nettle Soup with Chickpeas
Sausage Meatballs
Potato Gratin
Almond Crocus Custard Parfait

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