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Iftar Menu (Day 7)

Release Date: 04-08-2009
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Hello Dear Friends,

Ramadan, the sultan of 11 months, has come again. I have prepared a 30-day menu for you this Ramadan. You will no longer have to think about what to cook and what to cook for my guests.

You can create wonders by following the menu consisting of delicious dishes special for each day. If you want, you can visit our Ramadan Menus page to get ideas and create different menus and take a look at iftar and sahur meals.

You can access the recipes by clicking on the names. Happy ramadan..

Iftar Menu 7th Day

Iftar Menu (Day 7):

Strained Lentil Soup
Stuffed Onions with Mince
Spinach Roll Pastry
Ice Cream Vanilla Pudding

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"Iftar Menu (Day 7)One comment on

  • on August 17, 2010 at 19:36

    There may be those who do not like stuffed onions, I think it would be more useful if you write a few alternatives next to them, my love.


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"Iftar Menu (Day 7)One comment on

  • on August 17, 2010 at 19:36

    There may be those who do not like stuffed onions, I think it would be more useful if you write a few alternatives next to them, my love.


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