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How to make Semolina Halva with Pistachio with Ice Cream? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 20 min, semolina halva with pistachio, semolina halva, practical semolina halva, Practical Recipes

Semolina Halva with Pistachio Ice Cream

Release Date: 31-03-2023
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My halva recipes are famous, every time I share a halva, the first question my followers ask is if we roast it for such a long time, Ms. Nilay. I have good news for you 🎉🥳 I tried Semolina Halva from Kenton Traditional Tastes, I loved both its taste and its practicality😍.

20 DK

It becomes a semolina halva with its full consistency without getting tired. And with a little touch, I prepared a presentation worthy of iftar. Don't forget to try my recipe and share it with me💕

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@kentonturkiye collaboration

Ingredients for Ice Cream Pistachio Semolina Halva Recipe

  • 1 pack Kenton Semolina Halva
  • 2 water glass milk
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 teaspoon of ground peanuts
  • Ice cream

For service:

  • Powdered Peanuts
  • Pomegranate Seeds


  1. Put 100g butter and milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Empty the bag on it, add the powdered peanuts and cook by stirring constantly.
  2. When it starts to boil, turn down the heat and close the lid of the pot. Turn off the stove when the water is completely absorbed. After mixing the halva with a spoon by turning it upside down a few times, let it rest for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Cover the inside of a bowl with cling film. Spread the semolina halva inside and leave a space to put a scoop of ice cream in the middle.
  4. Place the ice cream, flatten it and turn it upside down on the plate you will serve. Decorate it with powdered peanuts and pomegranate seeds and make it ready to serve.

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