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How to make Honey Ginger Lemon and Orange Syrup? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 10 min, immune booster, ginger with honey, homemade delicacies, cough suppressant, ginger honey, From me personally

Honey Ginger Lemon and Orange Syrup

Release Date: 20-11-2022
4 5 5 1

It's time for the immune-boosting mix that I prepare every year and keep in the cupboard for a long time. You can consume it directly by spooning or in the form of tea. You can also add 1-2 sticks of cinnamon and dried cloves to the mixture of honey, ginger, orange and lemon.

10 min

Store in the refrigerator or the fruit may become moldy. Make it fresh weekly if possible.

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We consume it in the morning by putting 1 tablespoon or 1-1 tablespoons in 2 cup of warm water. I didn't use cinnamon and cloves because I made Nehir drink it. I used to add a lot of honey, now the prices are moderate, so I reduced the amount of honey.

Honey Radish ve clove onion You can find the recipes from the links.


Ingredients for Honey Ginger Lemon and Orange Syrup Recipe

  • 1 piece of fresh ginger (lemon size)
  • 1 medium sized orange
  • 1 medium sized lemons
  • honey at most


  1. Cut a piece of root ginger, peel it with a teaspoon and wash it.
  2. Finely chop the ginger first crosswise and then lengthwise (as thick as a matchstick).
  3. Wash the lemon and orange thoroughly, slice thinly without peeling them.
  4. Fill all the chopped ingredients into the jar and add honey.
  5. Close the lid of the jar and put it in the refrigerator.
  6. Before using the mixture, shake it or mix it with the help of a spoon.

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