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How to make Homemade Whey? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 min, whey recipes, whey recipes, how to make whey, what is whey, whey recipe, Supplementary Food

Homemade Whey

Release Date: 06-01-2020
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Hello Dear Friends,

For her breakfast since the day she switched to supplementary food after Nehir. curd cheese I am preparing. For this curd cheese ve baby curd I have shared my recipes with you before.

But the issue does not end with curd cheese only, when we take the milk cuts that we cut with yoghurt or lemon&vinegar, water it leaves behind. whey we say.

Frankly, although I saw its name in the products I bought before, I did not know that whey was so important. It is especially used in recipes using milk such as soup, pasta, pancakes and muffins.

30 min

It is also added to the soaking water when pickling meat (instead of marinating with milk) or soaking legumes (for easy digestion).

If you curdle the milk with lemon or vinegar sour whey it's happening. After the cheese is fermented, the remaining water from the cheese is also sweet whey it's called.

Homemade Curd Cheese Recipe
Baby Curd Recipe

There is also a recipe in my two curd recipes above, but let me add it again with this title so that it is easier to find, whey Let it be a source for future recipes by preparing it.

By the way, I use raw milk from the market. I make half of 2 liters of curd and half of yogurt.

If you keep the milk on the stove for longer by strumming after you cut the milk, your cheese will be more transparent, but I do not boil it too much because I make the curd 1-2 times a week. If possible, I prepare it fresh for my daughter within 5 days.

my Instagram account @kitchensirlari If you share my recipes that you have tried, I would love to share them in my story. My account from Instagram Don't forget to follow.

Ingredients for Homemade Whey Recipe

  • 1 liter of raw milk
  • 4 tablespoons of homemade yogurt or 4 tablespoons of vinegar


  1. Boil 1 liter of raw or daily milk for 15 minutes and turn down the heat.
  2. Add yogurt or vinegar to the slurping milk and mix.
  3. The milk will begin to curdle and clump together.
  4. Let it cool for 10 minutes, and strain through a fine-mesh strainer.
  5. After waiting for 10-15 minutes to drain in the strainer, take the curd.
  6. Divide the remaining water into ice cubes and freeze in ice packs. If you are going to consume it quickly, store it in an airtight glass jar and in the refrigerator. Consume within 4-5 days.

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