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How to make Homemade Vanilla Sugar? There are also 4 comments to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 10 min, vanilla stick, homemade vanilla sugar, vanilla, vanilla bean, vanilla sugar, how to make vanilla sugar, vanilla granulated sugar, Culinary School

Homemade Vanilla Candy

Release Date: 13-08-2013
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Hello Dear Friends,

Even though I thought I'd be busy with something different today, I found myself in front of the camera in the afternoon :) I had such a good rest on vacation that I always want to prepare something and photograph it :)

Recently, I decided to share with you my favorite sugar, which I use in the tea and coffee I drink in the morning at home and in the Turkish coffee I prepare in the evening. It gives such a light and pleasant aroma to the drinks you add to it that you want to drink 1 more glass :)

10 min

Out of the blue, you might ask where did this vanilla sugar come from? Actually, it didn't happen out of the blue. We use vanilla in almost all desserts. Vanillin is also used in cakes or simple milk desserts, as it is usually inexpensive.

My Usla days I've been more involved with vanilla since it started. We use vanilla extract in cakes and vanilla sticks in desserts or ice creams. The vanilla sticks (remaining shells) that we cut in half and scrape the seeds are not used afterward.


Vanilla sticks or beans are quite an expensive spice. If you can't get it wholesale, it can cost you 1-4 liras per stick. I used to add it to the milk I boiled the shells of to reuse this expensive spice while boiling the milk for the dessert or ice cream I would make later. Since we tried many recipes at the same time as a class, we started to have a lot of crusts on our hands. So instead of sending these fragrant vanilla shells to the trash, I started to carry them home :)


Since the end of May, I have been constantly adding vanilla sticks and granulated sugar to my jar. In this way, I have vanilla sugar that I will always use in drinks and desserts at home :)


The recipe is very simple, it only takes 5 minutes :) If you are going to use fresh vanilla, 2 stick of vanilla is enough for 1 cups of granulated sugar. If you are going to use sticks that have been taken in and are about to dry out, like me, 2-3 will be better.


Ingredients for Homemade Vanilla Candy Recipe

  • 2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 vanilla stick


  1. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise into two parts. Scrape the seeds inside with the help of a knife.
  2. Divide the resulting crust into two parts.
  3. Take the powdered sugar in a jar. Add vanilla seeds and pods and mix.
  4. Close the jar tightly and let it rest for 2 weeks without opening the lid.
  5. Add sugar and vanilla from time to time after you start using it.

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"Homemade Vanilla Candy4 comments for ”

  • Sept. 14, 2013 at 10:38 pm

    Hello Miss Nilay,
    I don't know how vanilla powder is extracted from a vanilla stick to use instead of vanillin. Can you help with this. I'm also wondering if it won't darken the milky dessert.

    Thank you,

  • on August 14, 2013 at 12:04

    And it would be nice if you put a date on these articles.

  • on August 13, 2013 at 19:32

    Where do you get the vanilla sticks? Is there a place where you order online? Also, how much does it cost when you buy wholesale? Thank you in advance for your information.

    • on August 13, 2013 at 21:59

      I didn't buy from the net before, I usually go to Tahtakale to buy it. I don't know the exact price.


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"Homemade Vanilla Candy4 comments for ”

  • Sept. 14, 2013 at 10:38 pm

    Hello Miss Nilay,
    I don't know how vanilla powder is extracted from a vanilla stick to use instead of vanillin. Can you help with this. I'm also wondering if it won't darken the milky dessert.

    Thank you,

  • on August 14, 2013 at 12:04

    And it would be nice if you put a date on these articles.

  • on August 13, 2013 at 19:32

    Where do you get the vanilla sticks? Is there a place where you order online? Also, how much does it cost when you buy wholesale? Thank you in advance for your information.

    • on August 13, 2013 at 21:59

      I didn't buy from the net before, I usually go to Tahtakale to buy it. I don't know the exact price.


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