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How to make Homemade Vanilla Pudding? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk stick vanilla, how to make pudding at home, pudding making at home, pudding, pudding recipe, pudding recipes, vanilla stick, vanilla pudding recipe, Practical Recipes

Homemade Vanilla Pudding

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 22 oy 3,95/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 15 min
22 3.95 5 1

Hello everyone from a cool but sunny Monday...

I wanted the first recipe of the week to be sweet so that the whole week would be sweet :) quince jelly You already know the recipe. I decided to make a jelly in order to utilize the water left over from it and serve that jelly not alone but with a milk dessert. That's why I tried a practical pudding at home on Saturday. It's ready, how far is it?

stick vanilla

I think the pudding I made was even better than the prepared ones. The sugar and texture are just right for my taste. You can get the vanilla stick I use in pastry shops or online.

We do not want to use eggs in milk desserts, but we need to use them to give consistency in pudding. Those who are afraid of the smell of eggs need not worry because we use a small amount and the aroma of vanilla is very strong.

Instead of using vanilla in the form of aroma, taking and using it this way both gives a more pleasant air and becomes more natural due to the tiny seeds in it. Of course, it is not always possible to give 5 liras to a vanilla stick.

Vanilla sticks are the fruit of the vanilla tree and this fruit is one of the most expensive spices in the world after saffron. The reason for this is "How to Make", which is now one of the indispensable mini-documentaries of the house. We also learned. After picking a thin and long green fruit, vanilla is laid out in the sun at certain hours, and it takes almost 9 months for the fruit to turn black and mature as in the photo.

I think it's worth the effort because whatever dessert you use it in, it gives its unique flavor.

You can use vanilla stick, which has a strong aroma, as a flavoring in making cakes, ice cream, cookies, chocolate, coffee and milk desserts.


Ingredients for Homemade Vanilla Pudding Recipe

  • 2 pieces of eggs
  • 4 water glass milk
  • 3 tablespoons of wheat starch
  • 1 vanilla stick
  • 4/3 cup granulated sugar


  1. Cut the vanilla pod in half with a knife. Scrape out the seeds inside with your knife.
  2. Take the vanilla pod along with the egg yolks, milk, sugar and seeds in the saucepan.
  3. Cook over low heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves.
  4. When the sugar melts, add 3 tablespoons of starch and continue cooking until it thickens.
  5. Take the pudding that has reached the desired density from the stove. Take out the vanilla stick inside and divide it into bowls.
  6. When it comes to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator. Let rest for 1 hour and serve.

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