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Homemade Sandwich Bread

Hello Dear Friends,

This period produced such beautiful breads that no matter how hard it was, I wanted them to take their place on my blog and my followers to benefit from these soft bread recipes that do not contain any additives.

I explained the making of sandwich breads as detailed as I could and added all the making stages by grouping them to avoid confusion.

Doner Bread

You can see step-by-step photos under 5 main headings.

These Ones;

  • pre-fermentation
  • Leavening
  • Folding
  • portioning
  • Forming and firing

We immediately considered it as a sausage bread, but I think it will be great for doner as well :)


Construction steps for the pre-fermentation process for sandwich bread:


Combining the pre-yeast and kneaded dough:

Dough Folding

Folding the fermented dough by taking it to the counter

Dough Portioning

Splitting and folding sandwich bread into meringues

Shaping and Baking

We bake the dough that we ferment again by porioning, giving it a sandwich shape.

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I would love to share my recipes with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari 



For pre-fermentation:

  • 1 fingers less lukewarm water from 2 glass of water
  • 1 water glass flour
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
  • 1 pack of instant yeast

For dough:

  •  3 water glass flour
  • 1,5 glass of warm water
  • 1 sweet spice salt

To top it off:

  • 1 egg yolk + 3 tablespoons of water

To prepare the pre-yeast:

  1. In a small bowl, take the warm water 1 fingers missing from 2 glass of water into the bowl and set the remaining water aside. Add sugar, yeast and 1 glass of flour and mix with a wooden spoon for 2 minutes. Cover with cling film and set aside and rest for 20 minutes.

How to Make Homemade Sandwich Bread Recipe?

  1. While the pre-fermentation continues, add 3 cups of flour and 1,5 cups of water to the mixer's bowl, mix for 3 minutes and wait until the pre-fermentation time expires.
  2. At the end of 20 minutes, add the well-swelled pre-yeast onto the dough in the mixer and start mixing. After mixing for 3-4 minutes, add salt and knead well for 10 minutes at fast and slow speeds. (Especially knead for a long time at the highest speed. The dough will swell like a balloon and become smooth.)
  3. Take the kneaded dough on the floured counter and roughly form a ball by holding the edges and pulling it towards the middle.
  4. Turn it upside down and divide it into 8 equal parts with the help of a dough cutter or knife. Make a meringue by pressing each of the pieces you separated into a slightly square shape by pressing them with your fingers, pulling them from the corners to the middle and rounding them. Cover the meringues and rest for 20 minutes.
  5. Open the rested and swollen meringues in a round shape by pressing them gently with your fingers, without deflating them too much. Loosely fold the dough from the upper right and left corners to the middle, looking at the following steps. Then fold the middle part on top and connect the tip with your fingers. Then fold it to the bottom once again, giving it a convex shape in the middle, and again tuck and close the bottom part. (Be sure to look at the photos of the construction, as this part is difficult to understand by reading)
  6. Take the dough on the baking tray that you have lined with greaseproof paper. When the dough rises, place it on a tray in the form of 4 doughs so that they do not stick together. Cover and rest for 1 hour.
  7. Meanwhile, start heating the oven to 230 degrees. At the end of 1 hour, mix the egg yolk and the water we reserved at the beginning on the bread that has risen 2 times, and spread it all over with the help of a brush.
  8. Bake in the oven at 230 degrees for 15 minutes until golden brown.
  9. Take the breads out of the oven, put them on a wire so that the bottoms do not get wet, cover them with a blanket and leave to cool. 

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