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Homemade Pesto Sauce and Crunchy Bread Slices

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Portion: Max - 6 People
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 10 min
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Flavor enhancers form the basis of the kitchen, and for me the most indispensable ones are sauces.🥗🌿 Here is a Pesto Sauce recipe that is both easy and full of flavor, which can be prepared with 1 bunch of basil!

How to make pesto at home

And with my favorite halloumi bread topping! Add your own touch to your kitchen with this recipe that will take your pasta, sandwiches and many other dishes to a whole new level. Don't forget to like, comment and share the recipe!

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Ingredients for Homemade Pesto Sauce and Crunchy Bread Slices Recipe

  • 1 large bunch of basil
  • 1 tea glass of olive oil
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 tablespoons of pine nuts
  • 50 gr aged kashar cheese or parmesan cheese
  • Salt


  1. Wash and dry the basil, set aside.
  2. Put the garlic in a pestle, add salt and crush it.
  3. Add the roasted pine nuts and continue to pound in a mortar.
  4. Add the basil little by little and crush it, and then add the basil and olive oil occasionally until it becomes a puree.
  5. Finally, add the aged kashar or parmesan if you have it.
  6. Crush it in a mortar until it becomes smooth and use it in recipes or store it in a jar in the fridge.

For the Bread Topping:

  • 1 pack of halloumi
  • tomato
  • baguette bread
  • basil leaves optional


  1. After preparing the sauce, slice the halloumi and fry it.
  2. Slice and toast the bread. Serve with sauce according to your taste.

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