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How to make Homemade Cocoa Pudding? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 35 min, homemade, cocoa pudding, cocoa recipes, how to make pudding, pudding, pudding making, Practical Recipes

Homemade Cocoa Pudding

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 13 oy 4,77/5)
Portion: Max - 4 People
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 25 min
13 4.77 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

I wanted to share with you my Homemade Cocoa Pudding recipe, which will be liked by those who want to prepare an effortless, practical milk dessert.

You can easily prepare the pudding with the ingredients at home. The consistency of this recipe is literally my favorite pudding consistency.

35 min

Cook your pudding on medium heat by mixing it with the help of a whisk. Thus, you prevent both clumping and holding the bottom. After boiling, it will be sufficient to cook for an average of 20-25 minutes by reducing the heat. Sometimes I add 1 tablespoon of butter or 2-3 pieces of chocolate without removing it from the heat. You can add it if you want.

with me when you try my recipe Don't forget to share on instagram :)

I would love to share my recipes with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari 


Ingredients for Homemade Cocoa Pudding Recipe

  • 1 liter milk
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of wheat starch
  • 4 soup spoons of cocoa
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 1 tablespoon of butter (optional)


  1. Put the sugar, cocoa and starch in the saucepan. Gradually add the milk and whisk. Add remaining milk and mix.
  2. Cook over low heat, stirring, until the consistency of pudding.
  3. Add the vanilla and butter to the pudding mixture and whisk it.
  4. Divide into cups or glasses. Let it come to room temperature and rest until it becomes crusty.
  5. Decorate the top with coconut, powdered peanuts and grated chocolate and put it in the refrigerator. Serve after cooling for 1-2 hours.

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