Highland Soup from Leftover Rice
It was my favorite soup that my mother cooked for us especially when we were sick. Spring soup. and we her yoghurt soup we were saying. If I still feel a little sick, my dear, ya highland soup the Lentil pulls :)
The taste of the highland soup made from leftover rice is also delicious. Especially in this period, we try to evaluate everything as much as we can.
Hand-embroidered napkins are from my mother's dowry, I try to keep such small memories in front of my eyes with photographs. Life is really too short to keep dowries in the chest...
Are there any that you can't bear to use?
Watch the Video:
From leftover rice Another recipe you can prepare meatballs :) You should definitely try it.
Ingredients for Plateau Soup Recipe from Leftover Rice
- 1 cup of rice
- 1 teaspoon of beef broth
- 4,5 water glass of water
- 1 teaspoon of dried mint
- 1 glasses of yoghurt
- 1 heaping tablespoons of flour
- 1 egg yolk
- salt
- Olive oil
1. Put the water and rice in the pot, add the broth and bring to a boil.
2. Whisk the egg yolk, yoghurt and flour well in a bowl.
3. Add 2 scoops of yoghurt from the boiling soup water and mix.
4. Keep stirring the soup as you add the seasoning to the soup.
5. While the soup is boiling on medium heat, add the mint that you heated in olive oil.
6. After boiling for 10 more minutes, add salt, mix and serve by taking it off the stove.