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How are Henna Night Preparations made? There are also 2 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk pre-marriage ceremonies, caftan, henna, henna dress, henna night, henna preparations, henna supplies, henna crown, henna tray, henna burning, Marriage Preparations

Henna Night Preparations

Release Date: 10-05-2012
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I realize that I haven't written for this chapter in a long time. Since the month of Ramadan has come to the middle of summer this year, wedding and wedding preparations have started.

As you can see, we have entered the season of marriage. Of course, my sister's marriage in June also laid the groundwork for me to write this article.

Our topic is Henna Night, a very, very old tradition. I don't know if it was heard before or when I got married, just a little quote that I can't remember right now. Henna was applied to 3 beings. 1. To the Soldier 2. To the Bride 3. To the victim.

premarital ceremonies

Although there are organization companies that organize Henna Nights, no one around me has ever worked with such a company. Henna is mostly done at home, if the wedding is not going to be held or if the people to be married are more well off, a wedding hall or suitable venues are rented.

Although it is not usually required, the bride-to-be will also have a caftan, apart from the dress she will wear that night.

So, how is this ceremony held?

Just before the henna is applied, the bride-to-be wears a caftan. He is seated on a chair in the middle of the room. Prepared henna is placed in the middle of the henna tray. Candles are lit as in the photo.

The lights of the place are turned off and the bride's friends enter the hall with candles in their hands, "High High Hills".

The groom's mother tries to make the bride's hand open, leaves a gold piece on the bride's hand and puts the henna on it.

For some unknown reason, brides are expected to cry :) I was not one of those crying, I hope you will not cry neither on this beautiful day nor after.

Anyway, let's come to the accessories used for this night, which was organized only for the girls and the female relatives of both parties.

The henna night outfit consists of a caftan fez, a dress, a sandal, a belt and sometimes a shalwar.

Henna wrap- Usually a set with gloves is sold.

  • henna tray
  • henna basket
  • henna packs
  • Nuts Packages
  • sequin handkerchiefs
  • Henna crowns (for the bride's girlfriends) can have red or white flowers
  • 3-5 tambourines optional

You do not need to spend money left and right for these materials. You can get all of them from Eminönü Tahtakale at very, very reasonable prices. If you want, of course, if you can, you can make baskets, trays and crown decorations yourself by just buying the materials.


Note: I took henna photos at my dear friend Pervin's henna years ago. Thanks again to him…

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"Henna Night Preparations2 comments for ”

  • on May 10, 2012 at 13:32

    Hello. I want to fix a pro. Henna is burned on 3 beings.
    1 soldier, 2 brides, 3 victims
    In all of them, the logic is the same, it ends up being a victim…


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"Henna Night Preparations2 comments for ”

  • on May 10, 2012 at 13:32

    Hello. I want to fix a pro. Henna is burned on 3 beings.
    1 soldier, 2 brides, 3 victims
    In all of them, the logic is the same, it ends up being a victim…


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