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Halloumi Tomato Salad Recipe

Release Date: 20-07-2022
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This year, our mini orchard gave very nice cherry tomatoes. I'm trying to evaluate it with practical bread toppings and salads. In the coming days, I can suffocate you with tomato recipes when it is just in season :) A legendary summer salad is the exact equivalent of simple and delicious. Should I say Halloumi Tomato Salad or Turkish caprese?

tomato salad

Let me tell you a secret, if you don't have balsamic vinegar at home, you can add a little grape molasses to some grape vinegar and mix it and add it to the salad 😋

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Ingredients for Halloumi Tomato Salad Recipe

  • Cherry tomato
  • 1 pack of Halloumi cheese
  • 7-8 large basil leaves
  • 1 cloves of garlic
  • balsamic vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Salt


  1. Cut the tomatoes into 2-3 parts according to their size. Finely chop the basil.
  2. Slice the halloumi cheese 1 inch thick. Fry both sides in a pan without oil. After it cools down a bit, cut into cubes if desired.
  3. For the dressing, whisk together the garlic, vinegar, olive oil and some salt. Pour it over the salad, mix it all together and serve.

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