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Green Pepper Dipping Sauce

Release Date: 18-07-2010
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Nothing is sweeter than the vegetables you grow in your own garden. We do not have a garden, but we go to my mother's house in Üsküdar almost every weekend and deal with the garden. This year's seedlings were strawberries, tomatoes and green peppers. Tomatoes are so many that their branches break :) Of course, there are also purslane seeds that we planted last year in the hope that they might come out, and we were shocked to see how they grew this week. Our first job is to collect up to 2 vineyards today. olive oil purslane dish done it :)

When the subject was opened from green seedlings and peppers, I decided to share the pepper dip sauce that I prepared before with you. It goes great with small snacks. Since I can't eat hot pepper, I used sweet green pepper, but you can also use hot pepper if you like it. Love…


Ingredients for Green Pepper Dipping Sauce Recipe

100 g of feta cheese
2-3 green village peppers
1 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of red pepper


1- Cut the peppers in half, remove the seeds and chop them. Peel and grate the garlic.
2- Take the feta cheese and peppers in a deep bowl. Add the garlic and salt and pass it through the rondo.
3- Serve garnished with red pepper.

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"Green Pepper Dipping SauceOne comment on

  • Sept. 02, 2010 at 01:34 pm

    wouldn't that be a little harsh? Yogurt can be added though.


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"Green Pepper Dipping SauceOne comment on

  • Sept. 02, 2010 at 01:34 pm

    wouldn't that be a little harsh? Yogurt can be added though.


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