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Sauce Cake

Release Date: 11-06-2012
4 5 5 1

Monday has already come and gone, but her malaise continues. As the weather gets warmer, the temperature has started to rise quite rapidly, so people can't breathe comfortably either at home or outside. As you can see, I started to feel that I needed a little vacation.

It seems impossible for us to go on vacation this year due to work, but we are planning to escape to Şile for the weekend. Anyway, let's just say it's luck...

I always keep cake and pastry variants in the fridge for such sad days or sudden guests. After baking, you can cool the cake and store it for 3-4 days without removing it from the mold (of course, by covering it with cling film in an airtight manner.

There are some that keep them in the freezer, but I've never tried them. I usually throw cookie dough and raw spring rolls in the freezer.

cake with chocolate sauce

Note: I prepared the sauce until the cake was back to room temperature.


Ingredients for Sauce Cake Recipe

  • 3 pieces of eggs
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 cup of margarine
  • 1 water glass milk
  • 3 tablespoons instant coffee
  • 2,5 water glass flour
  • 1 packaged vanilla
  • 1 package baking powder
  • 1 tea glass of raisins

For the sauce

  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1,5 soup spoons of cocoa
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • Half a pack of dark chocolate (40 g)


  1. Take the sugar and egg into the whisk, the mixture is foamy (until the sugar is completely dissolved) and beat it first at low speed and then at high speed.
  2. Add milk and room temperature margarine to the risen eggs and continue beating at low speed.
  3. Add the flour and instant coffee and mix until you get a smooth dough.
  4. Add the baking powder, vanilla and raisins last and mix for 1 more minute.
  5. Lightly grease and flour the dough into the cake tin.
  6. Bake in a preheated 180 degree oven for about 30 minutes. You can tell whether it is cooked with the help of a toothpick or knife. (If the toothpick comes out wet, bake for a few more minutes).
  7. Let the baked cakes rest for 30 minutes to cool.
  8. While the cake is resting, put the milk in a sauce pan, add cocoa and granulated sugar into it, bring it to a boil over low heat, mix and remove from the stove.
  9. Add the chocolate that you cut into small pieces to the milk you take from the stove and mix with the whisk until the chocolate is completely melted.
  10. Cool the sauce, stirring occasionally so that it does not form a crust.
  11. Pour the cooled sauce over the cake and serve.

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"Sauce Cake12 comments for ”

  • On January 04, 2014 at 19:48 am

    We are making a very nice cake, greetings from Macedonia

  • On November 23, 2012 at 20:46 PM

    your recipes are excellent, thank you. Would you like oil instead of margarine?

  • On June 19, 2012 at 21:14 PM

    Miss Nilay, the cake looks super, is the sugar written in the sauce ingredients 2 tablespoons or 2 glasses?

  • On June 12, 2012 at 15:39 PM

    Hi Nilay hn,

    The picture looks great
    I don't understand how much you said 1 glass of margarine, do we melt the margarine and add it to the cake batter?
    thank you SIMD

    • On June 12, 2012 at 19:11 PM

      Hello Eve, it is enough that the margarine is at room temperature. Then you can easily measure with a glass. Love…

  • On June 12, 2012 at 15:33 PM


    your recipes are excellent, good luck to you and your language, but I just don't understand what the DUKAN page is looking for. There are things that are prohibited at all stages in the recipes.. I don't even normally bring margarine into the house, I think it should be completely avoided in the DUKAN diet.

    • On June 12, 2012 at 19:12 PM

      Hello Funda lady, the recipe is not on the dukan page, I guess that's what you think. love..

  • On June 11, 2012 at 17:24 PM

    Another great picture. I'm sure the cake tastes the same. good luck to you


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"Sauce Cake12 comments for ”

  • On January 04, 2014 at 19:48 am

    We are making a very nice cake, greetings from Macedonia

  • On November 23, 2012 at 20:46 PM

    your recipes are excellent, thank you. Would you like oil instead of margarine?

  • On June 19, 2012 at 21:14 PM

    Miss Nilay, the cake looks super, is the sugar written in the sauce ingredients 2 tablespoons or 2 glasses?

  • On June 12, 2012 at 15:39 PM

    Hi Nilay hn,

    The picture looks great
    I don't understand how much you said 1 glass of margarine, do we melt the margarine and add it to the cake batter?
    thank you SIMD

    • On June 12, 2012 at 19:11 PM

      Hello Eve, it is enough that the margarine is at room temperature. Then you can easily measure with a glass. Love…

  • On June 12, 2012 at 15:33 PM


    your recipes are excellent, good luck to you and your language, but I just don't understand what the DUKAN page is looking for. There are things that are prohibited at all stages in the recipes.. I don't even normally bring margarine into the house, I think it should be completely avoided in the DUKAN diet.

    • On June 12, 2012 at 19:12 PM

      Hello Funda lady, the recipe is not on the dukan page, I guess that's what you think. love..

  • On June 11, 2012 at 17:24 PM

    Another great picture. I'm sure the cake tastes the same. good luck to you


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