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How to make Grape Jam? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 50 min, white grape jam, seedless grape jam, practical jam recipes, how to understand jam consistency, jam recipe, grape jam, Winter Preparations

Grape Jam

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 6 oy 3,50/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 40 min
6 3.5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

With the arrival of seedless grapes on the market, I decided to re-prepare the grape jam that I prepared last year but could not take a photograph and write about.

Grape jam, like many jams, is made using one-to-one sugar. That is, as many grapes as you would use and the same amount of sugar. The amount of water can be adjusted according to the water that the grape will release, but even if it does not release much water when you keep it, it leaves some more water when boiling. For this reason, you should add controlled water as much as possible. I think it has the perfect consistency, but abroad, pectin is added to add a more jelly-like consistency. There are products such as jam-make sold in Turkey for this purpose, but I have never used it before.

50 min

I love the aroma that a cinnamon stick adds to jams. You can add it if you want.

If you say you will make a large amount of jam and store it, fill it in jars while it is hot, close the mouth tightly, let it rest for 1 night by turning it upside down and let it vacuum. So you can store it all winter.


Ingredients for Grape Jam Recipe

  • 300 g seedless grapes
  • 300 g granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • half a glass of water


  1. Separate the stems of the grapes and put them in a strainer, pass them through the water and leave to drain.
  2. Put the strained grapes in a medium saucepan, pour sugar on it and mix it carefully.
  3. Cover the pot and leave it at room temperature for 1 night.
  4. Add half a tea glass of water and a stick of cinnamon to the lightly watered grains and put them on the stove.
  5. Cook on medium heat for 30-35 minutes, shaking the pot from time to time.
  6. Check whether it has thickened or not by dripping it on a porcelain plate that you have cooled in the refrigerator. (It's ok if it stays like a ball without spreading.) Add lemon juice and boil for 5 more minutes.
  7. Let your jam cool in the pot and when it cools down, put it in a jar and put it in the fridge.


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