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How to make Belly Salad? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 40 minutes, simple salad recipes, belly salad, seasonal salad, belly salad with corn, student recipes, arugula salad, salad dressings, salad recipe, Salads - Appetizers
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How many people: 15 min Prep, 25 min Cooking
8 4.5 5 1


The most important thing to consider when preparing and serving salads is that your vegetables are fresh and well washed.

While washing the green salads, separate the salad ingredients from their roots and wait for the sand to settle by keeping them in a large bowl of water and vinegar.

Chop the cucumber ingredients just before serving so that they don't lose their vitamins.

Finally, nobody likes dry salads, so spread the vinaigrette that you've whisked well over the entire salad.

You can flavor your corn salad with cheese, olives, corn and pepper.

Yours ..

salad recipe

Ingredients for the Belly Salad Recipe

  • 1 small lettuce or cucumber salad
  • 1 pieces of tomato
  • 1 pieces of onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cucumbers
  • 8-9 leaves Arugula
  • corn on request
  • Olive oil
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • Salt

How to Make a Belly Salad Recipe?

1- Lettuce, parsley, arugula 2 wash in water and leave to drain.
2- Peel the skins of the onion and chop it into rings. Slice the tomatoes.
3- Peel and chop the carrots and cucumbers. Chop the greens you have washed and drained in the sizes you want, transfer them to the serving plate and mix.
4- Whisk olive oil, lemon juice and salt in a bowl, pour over the salad and mix the salad well.
5- Serve by garnishing with carrots, olives and corn.

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