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Vegetable Salad

Release Date: 02-09-2021
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Hello Dear Friends,

My readers, especially those who follow me on Instagram, know that we have a small orchard of their own (I share a lot in stories). This summer, we have grown tomatoes, cucumbers, purslane, parsley, basil, eggplant, pepper, and even two melons on an area of ​​5 square meters. We have turned the negativity of the pandemic into an opportunity and instilled in our little girl the love of the land.

15 min

As the garden ends the summer season; It should have been a memento on my blog, especially from our orchard, which flavored our breakfasts all summer. When my friend Devran from the cooking school came to us, we gathered everything and made a salad like peanuts. The charm of simple and little is the most delicious dressing of this salad, but vinegar, lemon and olive oil are also indispensable :)

Watch the Video:

Don't forget to add green tomatoes to your salads before they are out of season. vinaigrette sauce You can also try my recipe.


Ingredients for the Vegetable Salad Recipe

  • 5-6 cherry tomatoes
  • 2 green tomato
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 3-4 sweet or hot chili peppers
  • 1 pinch of parsley
  • 1-2 pinches of purslane
  • mini ball mozzarella or curd cheese balls
  • balsamic vinegar
  • lemon juice
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • black pepper


  1. Wash the tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and greens and leave to drain.
  2. Chop them all and combine in a salad bowl.
  3. Season by adding salt and pepper.
  4. For the sauce, add olive oil, vinegar, lemon and mix.
  5. Serve with the cheese of your choice.

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