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How to make Fried Halloumi Cheese and Eggplant Slices? There are also 4 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk snacks, Diet Recipes, light recipes, Halloumi, fried halloumi cheese, eggplant snack, eggplant recipes, summer recipes, For Breakfast

Fried Halloumi Cheese and Eggplant Slices

Release Date: 21-07-2009
4 5 5 1

The most enjoyable meal of summer is effortless small snacks for me. I recommend you to try this recipe, which will be very nutritious with some fruit for breakfast or lunch. When the irresistible taste of eggplant mixes with that of halloumi cheese, don't be intimidated. A little toast with it, oh my :)

Sometimes, you are very tired, but you do not want to do something elaborate, and if you do not want to eat something ordinary on top of that, this recipe is for you :)

I will share our long Rock'n Coke adventure with you. That's it for now, see you soon!


Ingredients for Fried Halloumi Cheese and Eggplant Slices Recipe

4 slices of halloumi cheese
1 eggplants
1 pieces of tomato
Olive oil


Set your grill or toaster to its highest level.
Slice all the ingredients, make sure the eggplants are thin.
Place the halloumi cheese and aubergines on the grill and brush olive oil on the eggplants with a brush. Take the well-fried cheese and eggplant on a serving plate, cook for 1-2 minutes and add the tomatoes on top. Serve hot or cold.

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