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How to make Fried Eggplant in the Oven? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 35 min, Eggplant with tomato sauce in the oven, how to fry in the oven, fried eggplant in the oven, fried eggplant in the oven, practical recipes in the oven, eggplant with sauce in the oven, eggplant with sauce, Practical Recipes

Fried Eggplant in the Oven

Release Date: 30-08-2021
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Hello Dear Friends,

I like frying as a frying, I mostly cook it in oil, but recently I tried to cook Buldan Eggplants in the oven, which a local company sent me to try. Because it had a meaty and sweet texture. So much so that there were even those who made a raw salad and ate it. I threw the eggplants in the oven and when I tried it, I loved the taste.

35 min

This recipe, which is cooked with little oil, is definitely not looking for frying. Today I will make it with the ball eggplants from our garden. Since it's time for winter sauce, without wasting time, a little tomato sauce with capia pepper, and a little bit of this thing I made last year. from eggplant sauces I will prepare.

in the search box winter preparations typing winter from tomato sauce, to pickle You can find all my recipes.



  • 1 kilo eggplant
  • 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil
  • salt
  • black pepper

For the sauce:

  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • salt
  • 1 tablespoons of vinegar


  1. Peel and dice the eggplants. Place on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper.
  2. Add salt, pepper and olive oil and mix.
  3. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until golden brown.
  4. While the eggplants are cooking, dice the tomatoes. Saute in olive oil, add salt, pepper and garlic and cook some more.
  5. Add the vinegar and lightly absorb the water and remove from the stove.
  6. Take the cooked eggplants on the baking tray, pour the sauce on top and serve.

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"Fried Eggplant in the OvenOne comment on

  • Oct. 10, 2021 at 03:16 PM

    Add 1 teaspoon of sugar to the water you have kept in order to prevent the eggplant from absorbing oil,
    Also, why do eggplants fried in the oven turn black?


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"Fried Eggplant in the OvenOne comment on

  • Oct. 10, 2021 at 03:16 PM

    Add 1 teaspoon of sugar to the water you have kept in order to prevent the eggplant from absorbing oil,
    Also, why do eggplants fried in the oven turn black?


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