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Chard (pezuk) Fries

Release Date: 23-04-2008
4 5 5 1

Hilal Hn. today she shared with us a recipe with a very high nutritional value. And he guided us to evaluate the biceps stems. Many thanks to him and his friend. Bless their hands and their efforts...

Hilal Hn. said: I like the food of the Black Sea region, I mostly like the way they use vegetables. They can even make something out of their shells. It's very tasty too. One of them is my dear friend, my dear friend Özlem Giresunlu. He told me not to throw away the stalks after the chard wrap and here is this delicious recipe. I tried too. It tastes like an omelet. But most importantly… His biceps were not damaged.

Thank you my dear.

your square

Ingredients for Chard (pezuk) Fries Recipe

  • 1 bunch of chard stems, separated from the leaves
  • 2 eggs
  • 1,5 tablespoons of flour
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Red pepper
  • cumin


  1. Chard stalks are removed, large stalks are divided into 2-3 parts.
  2. It is boiled until soft and filtered.
  3. In a bowl, flour is brought to a creamy consistency with a little water.
  4. Eggs are broken into it and whisked thoroughly and the mixture is mixed with chard stalks.
  5. It is sprinkled with our spices in desired amounts.
  6. Cook both sides in a low-fat teflon pan.

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"Chard (pezuk) FriesOne comment on

  • On April 28, 2008 at 14:23 PM

    Dear friends, first of all, the appearance of butarfin will be different. same in content. Since I made it for the first time, it was not like in the region. I got a warning from longing, think like this for now, I will do it in the main image in 1-2 days. love


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"Chard (pezuk) FriesOne comment on

  • On April 28, 2008 at 14:23 PM

    Dear friends, first of all, the appearance of butarfin will be different. same in content. Since I made it for the first time, it was not like in the region. I got a warning from longing, think like this for now, I will do it in the main image in 1-2 days. love


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