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How to make Fresh Fig Cookies? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 min, fig cookies, fig recipes, cookie dough, cookie recipes, practical cookies, powdered sugar cookies, fresh fig cookies, fresh fig cookies, Cookies-Biscuits
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How many people: 15 min Prep, 15 min Cooking
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Fresh Fig Cookies

Hello Dear Friends,

Today is the first day of October and I wanted to prepare a recipe that suits autumn with figs that we are getting ready to say goodbye to.

I quickly prepared a marmalade with the figs I bought from the market yesterday, You can find the marmalade recipe here. This time, as I wanted a slightly more intense aroma, I added a little bit of cardamom to the marmalade, apart from cloves and cinnamon. The marmalade I prepared is already around 2,5 cups. I separated 1 glass of fig marmalade and added 3 tablespoons of walnuts, which I took in a blender, and it was a nice thick stuffing :)

30 min

If you say you don't want to make marmalade or you don't have enough figs to make marmalade at home, you can peel 4-5 figs and boil them by adding a little sugar and a little water. Once the mixture has evaporated, you can add walnuts to it and let it cool. This will be very practical and delicious.


Since the inner mortar of the cookie is sweet and I will serve it with powdered sugar, I reduced the sugar of the dough as much as possible. It was just right for my taste, but you can add a little more sugar to the dough if you want.


I hope it will be a peaceful and enjoyable October..



  • 1 pieces of eggs
  • 125 g butter
  • 2 tablespoons of yogurt
  • Half a cup of powdered sugar
  • 3 water glass flour
  • 1 package baking powder
  • 2 drops of vanilla flavoring

For inside:

For the above:

  • powdered sugar

How to Make Fresh Fig Cookie Recipe?

  1. For the dough, mix the butter you melted in the microwave for 1 minute, 2 tablespoons of yogurt, vanilla flavor and 1 egg in a medium bowl.
  2. Add 2,5 cups of flour, powdered sugar and baking powder to the mixture. Add the remaining half cup of flour little by little until the dough comes together.
  3. Break off small egg-sized pieces from the gathered dough.
  4. Roll the pieces you cut off in your hands and form them into balls.
  5. Open the pieces you have formed into balls by pressing them on the lightly floured counter with your hand. (same as a donut)
  6. Put 1 teaspoon of fresh fig mortar in the middle of the cookie dough you have opened and close it just like closing a pastry.
  7. Follow the same steps until all the dough is gone. Arrange all the cookies on the tray 1-2 cm apart.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown (15-16 minutes). Serve with powdered sugar on top.

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