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How to make Fresh Black Eyed Peas with Carrots? There is also 1 comment that will give you an idea. Tips for the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 20 MIN, fresh cowpea recipe in pressure, fresh black-eyed peas, black-eyed peas with olive oil, fresh black-eyed peas with olive oil, Practical Recipes

Fresh Black-eyed Peas with Carrots

Release Date: 09-07-2023
4 5 5 1

Fresh cowpea is usually cowpea salad I buy it to make it but with olive oil it would be great too❤️ Freshness is very important because it can be very awn. When it is cooked for a long time in a normal pot, the taste loses its salt.

20 DK

Cooking in the pressure cooker for only 9 minutes without adding any water is enough for a full-fledged and delicious black-eyed pea dish 😍

Carrot looks so good that you should definitely try it like this❤️


Ingredients for Fresh Black-eyed Peas with Carrots

  • 500 g of fresh black-eyed peas
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 medium carrot
  • 3 medium tomatoes
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • a little less than half a teaspoon of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar (optional)
  • salt

1. Wash the kidney beans, clean the ends with a knife, remove the bones if any. Cut into 2-3 parts with the help of a knife. Finely chop the carrots.
2. Chop the onion for food, chop the tomatoes into cubes.
3. Take the onion, sugar and salt into the pressure cooker and knead with salt to soften the onion.
4. Add the tomatoes, olive oil and black-eyed peas to the pot and mix. Close the lid of the pressure cooker and cook on high heat until the whistle blows.
5. After the whistle blows, turn down the heat and cook for 8 more minutes and remove it from the stove. Serve cold.

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"Fresh Black-eyed Peas with CarrotsOne comment on

  • On November 25, 2024 at 10:58 PM

    In Sweden, spinach is sold without roots and therefore we are deprived of this dish.


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"Fresh Black-eyed Peas with CarrotsOne comment on

  • On November 25, 2024 at 10:58 PM

    In Sweden, spinach is sold without roots and therefore we are deprived of this dish.


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