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How to make Fresh Cowpea Salad? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 25 min, cowpea salad, how to make cowpea salad, izmir style black-eyed peas, practical black-eyed pea recipes, what is shock boiled, fresh black-eyed pea salad, video black-eyed pea recipe, green cowpea salad, Practical Recipes

Fresh Cowpea Salad

Release Date: 08-09-2021
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Hello Dear Friends,

When I find fresh and thin black-eyed peas, the first thing that comes to my mind is to make a salad before dinner. But Fresh Black-eyed Peas with Olive Oil I really like the food too. It is such a practical recipe that once you try it, you can't give up. The most important trick is to boil the black-eyed peas so that they do not lose their color.

25 min

What is the Shock Boiling Technique? 

Shock boiling is this method used especially for vegetables. Vegetables that are cooked by boiling first are then thrown into cold water and cooled quickly. This process makes the colors more vivid and brighter than normal. So they look much more appetizing. The important thing is not to boil it until it turns yellow and to cool it quickly. You can use cold or even ice water.

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Ingredients for Fresh Cowpea Salad Recipe

  • 500 g of fresh black-eyed peas
  • half a teaspoon of olive oil
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Juice of 1 lemons
  • salt
  • 1,5 liters of water for boiling
  • 1,5 liters of cold water to shock


  1. Wash the cowpeas, sort them out and cut them into 2-3 parts according to their length.
  2. Boil half a teaspoon of salt, 2 liters of water in a large saucepan and boil the black-eyed peas for 10-15 minutes by throwing them into the water.
  3. Take the cooked cowpeas out of the pot with the help of a colander and transfer them to a bowl filled with cold water.
  4. Filter the cowpeas that you have cooled by shock and put them in a mixing bowl. Add olive oil, crushed garlic and lemon juice and mix.
  5. Serve warm or cold.

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