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Frappe (Cold Brown)

Release Date: 09-08-2017
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

As the air temperature increased, I started to tend to cold even iced drinks and practical ice cream recipes. I continue to drink the cherry juice I prepare at home with plenty of ice and mostly plain soda. Today, you can easily prepare at home. frappe (cold coffee) I have a recipe.

Frappe is a type of beverage prepared with water, milk, sugar, ice and instant coffee. It has a doping effect on the body that faints in hot weather :) Its most important feature is the foaming of the milk. You can use a household or bar type blender for this.

5 min

I also prepared the video of my Frappe recipe, it will be with you on my youtube channel as soon as possible. Moreover watermelon frozen ve Peach Yogurt Ice Cream Videos of my recipe have also been added to my channel. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel :)

I used brown sugar while preparing my frappe, you can use white sugar if you want. Those who do not use sugar can also flavor it with honey.


Ingredients for Frappe (Cold Coffee) Recipe

  • 2 tablespoons of instant coffee (any brand of your choice)
  • 2-3 cubes of brown sugar
  • 3-4 ice cubes
  • 1 glass of cold milk
  • half a glass of cold water

For service:

  • Kakao
  • optional chocolate chips


  1. Take instant coffee, water, sugar into the blender's bowl and close the lid. Run the blender until the coffee, sugar and water are completely mixed and the coffee is dissolved.
  2. Add milk to the blender's bowl and run the blender to make it foamy.
  3. Add the ice last and run the machine until the ice breaks up.
  4. Transfer it to the glass without wasting time, serve with cocoa and chocolate grated.

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