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How to make Flour Halva? There are also 3 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 25 minutes, flour halvah at home, halva recipes, flour halvah, how to make flour halvah, flour halvah video, video recipes, Practical Recipes

Flour Halva

Release Date: 28-02-2015
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

It's the weekend and I couldn't leave the house when I said lay lay lom :) We decided to dedicate this day to video shoots that we have been taking a break for a long time. By making videos of old and new recipes every week, whenever possible. to my youtube channel i will try to upload it. Of course, my priority at the moment is practical recipes and methods as much as possible, but I have different plans in the coming days :)

Flour halva It's one of my favorite recipes. Whenever I cook it, I think of the sweet smell and cat-like smell that pervaded the house when I was a child, and walking around my mother's skirts. It's like yesterday when we had a hard time waiting for the halva to cool down, even though they gave us a piece right away, but we said we would eat it :)

25 min

While making flour halva It is very important not to leave the stove. Also, you should be careful while adding the syrup as the roasted flour rises to very high temperatures, because it splatters too much. Therefore, just before adding the syrup, you can turn it down or turn it off.


Ingredients for Flour Halva Recipe

  • 250 g butter or margarine
  • 2 cups of white flour

For the syrup:

  • 2,5 cup powdered sugar
  • 2,5 water glass of water

For service:

  • coconut
  • Hazelnut


  1. Put the water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil on low heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves, and remove from the stove.
  2. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add all the flour on it and start frying on medium heat.
  3. When the flour smells and its color turns dark, turn down the heat and add the syrup that you have carefully prepared.
  4. Cook, stirring, until it thickens and does not stick to the spoon and the pan (about 2 minutes).
  5. Turn off the stove, close the lid of the pot and let the halva rest until it is warm.
  6. Either squeezing it with your hand or shaping it with the help of a mold and transfer it to the serving plate.
  7. Serve with coconut or hazelnuts, if desired.

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"Flour Halva3 comments for ”

  • On January 27, 2016 at 00:14 am

    I tried, I did. Thanks.

  • On November 10, 2015 at 17:44 PM

    I tried it, it was soft, thank you


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"Flour Halva3 comments for ”

  • On January 27, 2016 at 00:14 am

    I tried, I did. Thanks.

  • On November 10, 2015 at 17:44 PM

    I tried it, it was soft, thank you


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