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Baked Tomatoes with Cheese and Dukan Getaways

Release Date: 21-03-2012
4 5 5 1

It says evasion in the title, but in fact, our topic is not escaping. Because one cannot escape from oneself, right, my dear diet friends. Yes, let's say you ran away, but on the scale you come face to face with the truth. Now when I start like this, writing will feel like I've eaten the world or gained weight, but there's no such thing (thank goodness)

I started the diet on February 26th, as of March 20th, yesterday, I lost a net 6 (sometimes 6,5) kilos. I had a problem like an allergy for a while, but it disappeared 1-2 days after I cut the egg yolk.

A question that is always asked and cannot be answered. Can we have a limited amount of alcohol on the Dukan diet? Normally, cruising is said to be prohibited even until the protection phase, but … Previously in the book, what he wrote about the conversation between Dr. Dukan and one of his patients caught my attention.

When his patient said that the diet suits him, but he has a habit of drinking 1 glass of red wine at every meal, the doctor told his patient that no matter what brand or type of wine he drinks, he has to walk briskly for an extra 20 minutes per glass, and if he walks, it will be as if he never took that glass. Then the patient started dieting etc. (Of course, this is just an anecdote about weight)

Based on this anecdote, I drank 1 glass of red wine to accompany my guests on Friday evening, and I took an extra 20-minute walk. The result is no problem.

practical dukan recipes

Another situation is that there are 1-2 recipes that I think to make for the seasonal sweet crisis of the ladies. I bought the powdered sweetener this weekend, it will be back to you soon as cookies or muffins.

I took a bite of his kinder pingui in the market I went to with my wife yesterday, tired and exhausted before dinner. I admit, I didn't stay with 1 bite, I ate half of it.

At this point Duman Ask Me Do I Regret? I continue to write with you!

To wrap it up, try to make minimal evasion until the strengthening phase of the diet. Even if you don't gain weight again, it can cause you to pause.

Now let's move on to our practical stuffed tomatoes that I prepared to accompany my breakfast. Tomatoes with cheese are delicious and take no more than 5 minutes to prepare. If you choose cocktail tomatoes, your portions will be smaller and the tomatoes will be like honey. It can also be a nice side dish with other meals.


Ingredients for Baked Tomatoes with Cheese and Dukan Getaways Recipe

  • 4 cocktail tomatoes
  • 1-2 tablespoons of light white cheese
  • thinly sliced ​​light cheddar cheese on request
  • (salt if cheese is unsalted)

How to Make Baked Tomatoes with Cheese and Dukan Getaways Recipe?

  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into 2 pieces and remove the seeds.
  2. Mash the feta cheese with a fork and stuff it into the tomatoes.
  3. Put the thinly sliced ​​cheddar cheese on the tomatoes.
  4. Turn on the grill of the oven and set it to the highest heat.
  5. Bake until the cheese on the tomatoes is melted and browned. Serve hot or cold.

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Nilay Overalls

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