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How to make Fig Sleep (Fig Curd)? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 10 minutes, fig curd, fig sleep, fig sleep, dried fig milk dessert, practical sugar-free dessert, sugar-free milk dessert, sugar-free dessert, sugar-free dessert recipe, Practical Recipes

Fig Sleep (Fig Curd)

Release Date: 14-11-2014
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Hello Dear Friends,

As you know, these days I go out of the city a lot to discover different tastes. My journey, which started with Kayseri and Konya, will continue from where it left off in Denizli next week. I taste such good tastes in these provinces that sometimes I miss the dose :) That's why I started paying a little attention lately.

Instagram posts I made in the cities I visited my account following and this labels you can follow.

Today I have a light and healthy recipe for you. As a matter of fact, I met this dessert years ago. When I saw how it was made for the first time and tasted it, I was very surprised that a dessert that was almost never cooked came to this consistency. Of course, they also added some sugar to it.

10 min

The best thing about the version I prepared is that it does not contain refined sugar. The figs that you add to the milk that you heat without boiling both sweeten and thicken and almost become a paste. sparrow it gives it consistency. Since I wanted a more creamy density, I used 10 figs and added a little cinnamon to strengthen the flavor. If you want, you can add about 15 dry fruits to this amount of milk. FIG you can add Thus, it will be more intense, sweet and dark in color.

In addition, if you say that I am on a diet, this will not cut me off, you can add some oatmeal to it and prepare a delicious snack.


Ingredients for Fig Sleep (Fig Curd) Recipe

  • 4 water glass milk
  • 10 dried figs
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)


  1. Take the figs in a deep bowl. Add hot water to it and let it rest for 1 hour to soften.
  2. Transfer the softened figs to the cutting board. Cut off the stems and finely chop the rest.
  3. Heat the milk, turn off the heat before it reaches the boiling point.
  4. When the milk comes to a temperature that will not hurt your hand (you can check it with your finger before it gets too cold), add the chopped figs and cinnamon into it.
  5. Put all the ingredients through the blender. (no roughness except for the fig seeds)
  6. Quickly distribute the mixture you prepared into the containers. Let rest for 1 hour at room temperature.
  7. Put the thickened and fermented dessert in the refrigerator and let it rest for 1 more hour.
  8. Serve as desired.

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"Fig Sleep (Fig Curd)One comment on

  • On April 10, 2017 at 18:33 PM

    I did not add cinnamon, but the recipe is perfect, thank you


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"Fig Sleep (Fig Curd)One comment on

  • On April 10, 2017 at 18:33 PM

    I did not add cinnamon, but the recipe is perfect, thank you


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