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How to make Fig Apricot Energy Balls? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk clean eating, energy balls, energizing food for winter, sweets with dried fruit, nut balls, atom with nuts, healthy food, sugar free snacks, sugar free sweets, Practical Recipes

Fig and Apricot Energy Balls

Release Date: 06-11-2015
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Good morning dear friends,

The last recipe of the week is my favorite, simple and very tasty energy balls. You know, the doctor, television, newspapers, etc. They definitely advise you to consume dried fruits and nuts frequently.. Here is this recipe “Should I eat apricots or figs today? I don't want walnuts too much, maybe hazelnuts" etc. After you struggle with indecisions, it can prevent you from giving up all of them and opening a chocolate :)

In fact, we are quite familiar with energy balls or atomic snacks that our nut stores sell. One of the most well-known ones is the ones with cezerye and pistachio :)

clean eating

It is possible to make very practical, natural and healthy snacks with the materials you have at home… Let's say your stomach starts to get scratched in the afternoon, your energy is gradually decreasing.

You crave amazing dessert after dinner, do it quince tea with linden Put the nut balls next to you, what more do you want…

Let's say your friend came to coffee, now you need either chocolate or Turkish delight… What is the need, you can give it to you at home with the energy balls you have prepared with the nuts you want…

This recipe makes 11-12 balls the size of a walnut. If you are a large family, you can measure x2. You can store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.


Ingredients for Fig and Apricot Energy Balls Recipe

  • 8 dried apricots
  • 3 dried figs
  • half a cup of hazelnuts
  • half a cup of walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • ½ cup coconut (for coating)


  1. Take the dried apricots in the rondo, tear off the stems of the figs with your hands and add them to the food processor.
  2. Add walnuts and hazelnuts and run the rondo at short intervals.
  3. When the ingredients start to break down and stick together, add 1 tablespoon of honey.
  4. After running 1-2 more rounds, transfer the dough you prepared into a bowl.
  5. Squeeze and roll in your hands and make walnut-sized balls and put them on a plate.
  6. When you have finished all the ingredients, put the coconut grater into the bowl. Transfer the prepared balls back to the container and shake the container so that they are covered with coconut.
  7. You can store it in the refrigerator or in a dry place at room temperature.

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"Fig and Apricot Energy BallsOne comment on

  • On June 08, 2016 at 09:23 PM


    I tried your recipe. it was super. I advise. both practical and healthy :))) Thank you, Ms. Nilay.


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"Fig and Apricot Energy BallsOne comment on

  • On June 08, 2016 at 09:23 PM


    I tried your recipe. it was super. I advise. both practical and healthy :))) Thank you, Ms. Nilay.


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