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Meat and Chickpea Rice

Release Date: 12-10-2010
4 5 5 1

The meat chickpea pilaf recipe is a recipe that has been waiting for a long time to meet you. I have shared the points to be considered in making pilaf before in the rice pilaf recipe. In addition to these points, if you are going to cook pilaf with meat, I recommend using a Teflon surfaced pot.

Tips for making pilaf

Ingredients for Meat and Chickpea Rice Recipe

2 cups of rice
1 cup boiled or canned chickpeas
300 gr. cubed meat,
1 tablespoon of butter + 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
2 cup of hot water
Salt or beef bouillon

How to Make Meaty Chickpea Rice Recipe?

1- Leave 2 cups of rice in warm water for about half an hour, wash the whitened rice under running water and drain it.
2- Take the oil and butter in the pan, add the meat and fry it until it releases its juice.
3- Add the boiled chickpeas to the meat that releases its water and mix it 1-2 more times.
4- Add the drained rice on the meat and fry it until the rice becomes transparent. Add 3 cups of hot water and salt to the roasted rice and mix.
5- Close the lid of the pot, cook it first on high heat and then on low heat until the rice is tender.
6- Serve your rice, which you have rested for 15 minutes.

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