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How to make Roasted Vegetable Egg? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 10 min, breakfast recipes, Breakfast dishes, roasted peppers, roasted tomatoes, fried eggs with vegetables, fried eggs, eggs with onions, egg recipes, For Breakfast

Roasted Vegetable Egg

Release Date: 03-08-2016
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

After the barbecue, which is one of the favorite activities of summer people, a piece of roasted material increases. Usually the leftovers are onions, tomatoes or peppers, but occasionally aubergines accompany it.

As you know, we are one of the couples who barbecue at every opportunity :) Sometimes he used to roast more ingredients than necessary and use it in practical salads. Recently, I started to evaluate the roasted vegetables left in the evening for breakfast.

10 min

The ingredients I used from yesterday are left, but just to prepare this egg, I recommend you to roast an extra zucchini and eggplant the night before.


Ingredients for Roasted Vegetable Egg Recipe

  • 1 medium sized roasted onion
  • 1 medium sized roasted tomato
  • 3-4 roasted green peppers or village peppers
  • 3-4 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • salt
  • black pepper


  1.  Peel the skins of the roasted onions, tomatoes and peppers. Remove the seeds from the peppers and chop all the ingredients for edibles.
  2. Take the butter in the pan, add the vegetables on it and sauté for 1 minute on low heat.
  3. With the help of a spoon, make holes between the vegetables as many as the number of eggs you will use and break the eggs.
  4. Season the eggs cooked to the desired consistency by sprinkling them with salt and pepper. Serve with a little parsley if desired.


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