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Egg with Tomato

Release Date: 11-05-2009
4 5 5 1

There is no limit to what can be done with eggs. Egg with tomato is one of them. It is a recipe that you will enjoy and easily prepare for your breakfasts.

egg with tomatoes
Egg with Tomato

Ingredients for Tomato Egg Recipe

1 kilo of tomatoes
4 eggs
1 onion
Pulp pepper
Liquid oil.


Throw the chopped onion into the hot oil and fry it, add 1 teaspoon of chili pepper to it (the reason for adding it to the oil is that it gives its color. A more red color is obtained), add the peeled and chopped tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes are cooked. Add your salt too. Break the eggs last, distribute the yolks when the whites are cooked, mix lightly (you can whisk the egg if you want), close the lid and cook on low heat until the eggs are cooked well... ENJOY...

Prepared by: Elif Satman

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"Egg with TomatoOne comment on

  • Oct. 28, 2010 at 09:36 PM

    Try the grated cheddar on the bidet.


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"Egg with TomatoOne comment on

  • Oct. 28, 2010 at 09:36 PM

    Try the grated cheddar on the bidet.


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