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How to make Egg-yi Humayun? There are also 15 comments to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk dukan recipes, dukan dishes, traditional recipes, ottoman cuisine, eggs with bacon and onions, ramadan tables, ramadan recipes, eggs with onions, The Dukan Diet

Egg-yi Humayun

Release Date: 15-03-2012
4 5 5 1

Egg-yı Hümayun was an Ottoman dish, in fact, it was a favorite of the sultans of the period and even a dynastic tradition. It is always found at Ramadan tables and served to important guests. Some sultans even rewarded those who cooked this dish well.

When you look at the recipe, you can say, wow, what an egg with onions can do. It is really interesting, but when you taste it, you say that men have a thing.

Now there is a trick to preparing this recipe, which is to cook the onion slowly over low heat for a long time. Keep this trick in mind because normally this tactic should be applied to all meals.

Onion, which smells disturbing when raw, leaves a honey-like flavor on one's palate when it is slowly cooked and caramelized.

The only difference in my recipe from the original recipe is that I use turkey bacon without fenugreek.

In the Dukan diet, we can consume eggs (up to 2 yellows a day), onions (without exaggeration) and vinegar (without exaggeration) free, as long as we want as long as we want as long as it is not oily. What else? Of course, I didn't eat the yolks because I thought the egg yolk was allergic to me.

dukan recipes

So dear friends, when you prepare this recipe, I am on a diet, but I am setting up a sultan's table, you can make a spool for myself.

By the way, when I weighed myself in the morning, I saw that I had dropped to 63,7. 30 minutes of brisk walking made a difference from the first day.


Note: If you are not on a diet, you can use plenty of onions and bacon with fenugreek.

Ingredients for Egg-yi Humayun Recipe

  • Half of 1 medium onion
  • 7-8 pieces of fenugreek-free turkey bacon
  • 2 pieces of eggs
  • 1 coffee cup of water
  • 1 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of oil
  • (I don't add salt because bacon is salty even without fenugreek)


  1. Peel the onion and cut half of it into thin rings. Cut the bacon into 2-3 pieces.
  2. Take the onions with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil in the pan and start frying them on low heat. When the onions start to change color and become transparent, add the bacon and continue frying.
  3. After 1 minute, add vinegar and water and mix it on very low heat and let it absorb the water.
  4. When the water is very low, make 2 cavities with the help of a spoon and crack the eggs into these games.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid and cook on low heat until the eggs harden.
  6. Serve hot.

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"Egg-yi Humayun15 comments for ”

  • March 17, 2012 at 16:00

    I started with 68.1 yesterday, lost 1 kilo this morning and became 67.1, this is very nice, but I want to ask something. Do the oils really melt away as it says in the book? I'm wondering if there has been any thinning in your problematic fatty areas (such as waist circumference, belly)

    • March 17, 2012 at 22:43

      Yes, it definitely happened, when it is supported by walking, it takes shape much faster. The doctor wrote something like this in the book, don't eat what you're trying to get rid of. In other words, as long as you don't consume oil, it goes from the reserves when you consume less oil :)

    • March 19, 2012 at 22:48

      Hello, Ms. Nihal, I also started the dukan diet today, but I have a question, I eat eggs, and my attack day showed 6 days, I need to do it, thank you very much.

  • March 16, 2012 at 21:13

    I used the attack phase. Now I want to start the 5+5 system. Should I start it as protein for the first 5 days or as a vegetable + protein :)?

    • March 16, 2012 at 21:56

      Hello Ayşe, my advice is to start the first 5 days with vegetables + protein instead of pure protein. This way, you won't get bored quickly. Love…

  • March 16, 2012 at 00:02

    I found your site while researching the protein diet that I've heard a lot these days, I immediately went and bought the book and I'm halfway through. I can say that I am starting with you. I have a wedding in 3 months, and I want to lose at least 10 kilos. Even though you don't know me, you have really supported me a lot with your articles. Thank you from now.

    • March 16, 2012 at 01:08

      First of all, good luck :) I hope you reach the weight you want and become a swan-like bride until your wedding :) Love...

  • March 15, 2012 at 18:13

    Nilay lady, your hands look perfect and delicious. I want to go home and try it right now..

  • March 15, 2012 at 15:57

    I've been thinking about doing the Dukan diet for a long time, I bought the summer book, but I read a little and put it aside, I think I wasn't ready to leave my sweets that I love sooooo much :)) I can't say I'm ready yet, but I decided to start with sports and a support that you are not aware of. Maybe you are tired of these dukan diet questions, but I want to ask a few things. I needed to lose 13 kilos, according to the measurements I made on Dukan's official website, and he gave 2 days as the attack phase. You did 4 days. Do you think it's too little? I thought to myself whether I should get to 3 or not. Thank you in advance, Ms. Nilay :)

    • March 15, 2012 at 16:04

      Hello, Hande, it's nice to have my support :) There is a moment when everyone says plug. There are many criteria in those measurements, as you can see, apart from weight, age and height. For example, I wrote my height 4 cm short by mistake (as I was when I was filling out the form). I realized much later, so I did the attack phase, which would last 3 days, for 4 days.

      I advise you to trust the form. The guys worked on it for 30 years :)


      • March 16, 2012 at 13:55

        You are right, Ms. Nilay, thank you very much. Ins. I'll let you know when I start to lose weight :))

      • on May 19, 2012 at 11:50

        Hello Ms. Nilay;
        I was undecided about whether to start the dukan diet for about 3 months, it's okay to say I hated the book, I read it over and over again, I finally got up my courage. I started with 94 kilos, I lost 5 kilos in a total of 26 days during the 8-day attack period and the cruise period, I was happy and motivated every time I weighed myself. I was getting off the scale at this speed, I would reach my ideal weight earlier than I was told, everything was going well, the motivation was super, I supported it with 30-45 minutes of walking every day, my skin became beautiful, even the color of my eye changed, until one morning I couldn't open my mouth, it was officially locked, My tongue hurt, my lips were burst, my gums were swollen, I was hurting. Then, of course, my doctor took my breath away (by the way, I have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism), my doctor who I always went to, talked to me quite a bit of scolding according to the results of the test, how I made such a diet mistake, that an immunocompromised person like me should not be able to do such things on their own without the help of an expert. The reason for the reactions resulted in inflammation of the lymph nodes under the jaw, gingival inflammation, aphthae on the tongue and inside the mouth, which occurred due to one-way feeding for a long time.
        Of course, I am in shock, my blood values ​​have also decreased, which made me feel weak, I did not understand how the situation came to this, believe me, I applied according to the dot comma according to what is written in the book, neither more nor less, (even if the milk is located near the village every day. Since we live in the area, I had to use oil as we got it directly from fresh milk, I had to use oil, I was just straining the cream on it, that's all) antibiotics, mouthwashes, vegetable and fruit-grain-based diet in 10 days, I suddenly gained 10 kilograms back when I made some escapades that I missed.. Another diet thus became a dream. For me, this is my dukan diet story, I just wanted to tell you, I wanted to share it with you, the rest is yours to think about..

  • March 15, 2012 at 13:15

    Was it made with turkey bacon at that time?

    • March 15, 2012 at 14:03

      No, it is made with normal bacon, I have already mentioned in the article. This is an adaptation for the dukan diet.


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"Egg-yi Humayun15 comments for ”

  • March 17, 2012 at 16:00

    I started with 68.1 yesterday, lost 1 kilo this morning and became 67.1, this is very nice, but I want to ask something. Do the oils really melt away as it says in the book? I'm wondering if there has been any thinning in your problematic fatty areas (such as waist circumference, belly)

    • March 17, 2012 at 22:43

      Yes, it definitely happened, when it is supported by walking, it takes shape much faster. The doctor wrote something like this in the book, don't eat what you're trying to get rid of. In other words, as long as you don't consume oil, it goes from the reserves when you consume less oil :)

    • March 19, 2012 at 22:48

      Hello, Ms. Nihal, I also started the dukan diet today, but I have a question, I eat eggs, and my attack day showed 6 days, I need to do it, thank you very much.

  • March 16, 2012 at 21:13

    I used the attack phase. Now I want to start the 5+5 system. Should I start it as protein for the first 5 days or as a vegetable + protein :)?

    • March 16, 2012 at 21:56

      Hello Ayşe, my advice is to start the first 5 days with vegetables + protein instead of pure protein. This way, you won't get bored quickly. Love…

  • March 16, 2012 at 00:02

    I found your site while researching the protein diet that I've heard a lot these days, I immediately went and bought the book and I'm halfway through. I can say that I am starting with you. I have a wedding in 3 months, and I want to lose at least 10 kilos. Even though you don't know me, you have really supported me a lot with your articles. Thank you from now.

    • March 16, 2012 at 01:08

      First of all, good luck :) I hope you reach the weight you want and become a swan-like bride until your wedding :) Love...

  • March 15, 2012 at 18:13

    Nilay lady, your hands look perfect and delicious. I want to go home and try it right now..

  • March 15, 2012 at 15:57

    I've been thinking about doing the Dukan diet for a long time, I bought the summer book, but I read a little and put it aside, I think I wasn't ready to leave my sweets that I love sooooo much :)) I can't say I'm ready yet, but I decided to start with sports and a support that you are not aware of. Maybe you are tired of these dukan diet questions, but I want to ask a few things. I needed to lose 13 kilos, according to the measurements I made on Dukan's official website, and he gave 2 days as the attack phase. You did 4 days. Do you think it's too little? I thought to myself whether I should get to 3 or not. Thank you in advance, Ms. Nilay :)

    • March 15, 2012 at 16:04

      Hello, Hande, it's nice to have my support :) There is a moment when everyone says plug. There are many criteria in those measurements, as you can see, apart from weight, age and height. For example, I wrote my height 4 cm short by mistake (as I was when I was filling out the form). I realized much later, so I did the attack phase, which would last 3 days, for 4 days.

      I advise you to trust the form. The guys worked on it for 30 years :)


      • March 16, 2012 at 13:55

        You are right, Ms. Nilay, thank you very much. Ins. I'll let you know when I start to lose weight :))

      • on May 19, 2012 at 11:50

        Hello Ms. Nilay;
        I was undecided about whether to start the dukan diet for about 3 months, it's okay to say I hated the book, I read it over and over again, I finally got up my courage. I started with 94 kilos, I lost 5 kilos in a total of 26 days during the 8-day attack period and the cruise period, I was happy and motivated every time I weighed myself. I was getting off the scale at this speed, I would reach my ideal weight earlier than I was told, everything was going well, the motivation was super, I supported it with 30-45 minutes of walking every day, my skin became beautiful, even the color of my eye changed, until one morning I couldn't open my mouth, it was officially locked, My tongue hurt, my lips were burst, my gums were swollen, I was hurting. Then, of course, my doctor took my breath away (by the way, I have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism), my doctor who I always went to, talked to me quite a bit of scolding according to the results of the test, how I made such a diet mistake, that an immunocompromised person like me should not be able to do such things on their own without the help of an expert. The reason for the reactions resulted in inflammation of the lymph nodes under the jaw, gingival inflammation, aphthae on the tongue and inside the mouth, which occurred due to one-way feeding for a long time.
        Of course, I am in shock, my blood values ​​have also decreased, which made me feel weak, I did not understand how the situation came to this, believe me, I applied according to the dot comma according to what is written in the book, neither more nor less, (even if the milk is located near the village every day. Since we live in the area, I had to use oil as we got it directly from fresh milk, I had to use oil, I was just straining the cream on it, that's all) antibiotics, mouthwashes, vegetable and fruit-grain-based diet in 10 days, I suddenly gained 10 kilograms back when I made some escapades that I missed.. Another diet thus became a dream. For me, this is my dukan diet story, I just wanted to tell you, I wanted to share it with you, the rest is yours to think about..

  • March 15, 2012 at 13:15

    Was it made with turkey bacon at that time?

    • March 15, 2012 at 14:03

      No, it is made with normal bacon, I have already mentioned in the article. This is an adaptation for the dukan diet.


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