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Practical Garlic Pan Bread – How to make Garlic Naan Bread? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk Breads

Practical Garlic Pan Bread – Garlic Naan Bread

Release Date: 04-02-2023
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I usually use this recipe for making yeast-free pancakes, knead quickly, fry in hot oil and your effortless pastries are ready quickly 😍 Today, instead of frying, I made a practical and nutritious pan bread. We call it pan bread, Indians call it easy naan bread :)

They also spread the garlic and ghee mixture they have fried on this bread and sprinkle with fresh coriander or parsley. This time I prepared it quickly using my @tefalturkiye Titanium 6X UnlimitedOne Induction Based Crepe Pan. As you can see, I baked my bread with 0 stickiness without using any oil. Moreover, since it is 6 times more resistant to scratches, it offers a very long-lasting use.

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Practical Garlic Pan Bread – Ingredients for Garlic Naan Bread Recipe

  • 1 water glass flour
  • Half a glass of yogurt
  • Quarter cup of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 tea spoon salt

For service:

  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of butter
  • 1 large pinch of finely chopped parsley


  1. Put the yogurt and olive oil in a mixing bowl and whisk lightly. Add flour, baking powder and salt and knead.
  2. When you collect the dough, take it to the counter and knead a little more, cover it and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  3. While the dough is resting, prepare the butter and garlic and set aside.
  4. Divide the rested dough into 2 parts and roll it out to 1 cm thickness with the help of a rolling pin. Cook front to back in the heated pan.
  5. Spread the butter-garlic mixture you have prepared from front to back, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

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