Coloring Your Own Hair
Trying out different hair colors is an action that women love very much. Many people even have distinctions such as summer hair color and winter hair color. As I mentioned in the previous article, I wanted to tell you about my own experiences with different hair colors. I started dyeing my hair myself again and I am very happy ;)
My hair is a dark brown to black. When I was a kid, I always wanted a lighter color because there are too many brown-haired people in our family. Later I realized that my hair color is actually a blessing because I have white skin. But besides that, every color suits me because I'm light skinned :) Most people thought I dyed my hair dark. But like every young girl, I wanted to make a change at that time and my adventure with hair dyes began...
I was going to college and I wanted to have caramel colored hair. In my first attempt, I surrendered myself to the hands of my hairdresser, whom I had been going to for years to cut my hair. My hair was a few shades lighter, it wasn't even obvious. After a while, black hair came out from the roots of my hair and I went to the hairdresser again.
Since the color of my hair has lightened a little after washing, it dyed it a lighter color than the first color, but this time my bottoms were lighter. Anyway, it's going to sit anyway, now I said I wouldn't want to dye my hair again at the same time, so I walked around for a while. During this period, my hair was usually in bulk so that it would not be obvious :) Then again, new hair came out from the bottom and I went to the hairdresser again. She dyed all my hair, this time I wanted it to be a little more open. But I got 3 different color tones in my hair, I went crazy...
That's when I learned that hair is not dyed in every hairdresser. My hairdresser, whom I have trusted in haircuts for years, was not very good at dyeing. My mother insisted that I go to another hairdresser, but I'm nervous about hairdressers I don't know, I was afraid it would get worse. At the same time, I had a friend who dyed his own hair. So I decided to paint myself.

The first attempt was much more disappointing. Because for the first time in my life, I was buying hair dye for myself and I was fooled by the pictures on the paint cans. The result was dark but strangely colored hair. My morale was low. I could go to a hairdresser and have it repainted that very day, but it would take something to open it up and my hair would be totally damaged. I said I'd wait for the best to flow. After 1 month passed, the dye in my hair had flowed well and it was close to the color I had dyed before. So I started researching on the internet which brand, what color, what type of paint creates results. Finally I found a color, it was a cream paint, actually a copper-gold color. But on dark hair, caramel color gave results. I bought it immediately and the result was excellent. I had the exact color hair I wanted. They were also soft. It was ok now, I could dye my hair this color for the rest of my life :) And I had no fear that it would keep the same color for the bottom dye, I would always get the same color anyway! Until 3-4 months later, the paint manufacturer stopped producing those color-coded paints. I found 2-3 last paints in a perfumery and bought them and let them last me for a few more months. But I had to figure out what to do when those paints ran out.
Investigations started again. There was a variant of the same brand that was more liquid. The color code had a slightly different color. Again, it was a golden-copper color with similar results on dark hair. I said I have to try it and I bought it. It was very easy to use your own hair with cream dye, but this liquid dye was definitely very difficult. The color was beautiful, but it was incredibly white and my hair color started to lighten as if bleach was used. On top of that, it was like felt. Investigations started again.
The funny thing is that I had it fixed at that time because it was caramel color. I didn't want any other color. I loved my hair color. One day, I saw another variant of the same brand appeared in the market. It was a cream paint consisting of more natural extracts and was not fully permanent. There were no openers. I was on the way to become an expert in paints for about 1 year, I said that if there is no opener, it will do less damage. But it had limited color as it was not a lightening dye. I found the lightest color, honeyfoam. I tried it and my hair was soft again. It was darker, but not reddish. It was always a reddish color before. I was now a light brown. I loved it too. Meanwhile, my hair was down to my waist and I was walking around. When the bottoms came out, a single can of paint was enough for me to paint the bottoms and feed them all :)
Time passed, I started to get bored of my hair again. It's almost time for my graduation. Summer had come too. Pre-graduation projects, exams, my hair was very deep and I didn't want to dye it. I made a decision a week before the graduation ball, and I didn't tell anyone. I was going to dye my hair your own color and cut it at the nape of the neck! I did it too :) With the darkest color of the same paint. She covered my light hair very well. I did not dye my hair again during the summer, it naturally flowed. But hey, I didn't paint it. But it didn't take long for me to start getting bored of my own color again. This time I decided to open my hair at the hairdresser!
I took the road to the hairdresser and met with the thing called Oreal. I said hello to my honey foam hair. But at that time I had moved to Istanbul and the hairdresser I went to was in Ankara. I needed to get a hairdresser in Istanbul. I found a hairdresser I trust in Istanbul, I was living in Anatolia at that time and it was close to home. But a few months later I moved to the European side. I went a few more times but
it was so hard that I was eating an entire day to dye my hair. Then one day something like this happened: I had an important meeting the next day and my scalp was black and it was honey foam. On the way home, I went to the store and bought a deep crimson paint! My hair has turned into dark ketchup and this is the moment in my life when I say this is my color :) This time I used one of the new foam paints and I witnessed how wonderful a box of foam paint can create. Everyone who saw it loved the color of my hair. Currently (I think 1 months) this color is my hair.
After this long story, let's come to what you need to know before dyeing hair at home. First of all, you have to be brave. If it is your first color, the result may be different from what you expected, but trying to paint another color over it will both wear out your hair and make the color worse. Don't be fooled by the colors of the mannequins on the boxes. Be sure to turn the back of the box and read it. Because some paints have lightening properties, some do not. Think about it this way, the brands are generally foreign, there are women with close to white hair who use these brands in this world. They are also trying to darken their hair. If you dye your black hair with a yellow but not lightening color, the result will be disappointing, and your hair color may even turn darker.
In paints that contain lighteners, it should not be forgotten that: If the hair itself is dark or dyed a dark color, the bleach in the dye is not enough for a very light color. At the hairdresser, you must first bleach your hair. Cream paints are easier to apply than liquid paints. But the easiest are foam paints. Once you start coloring your own hair, it is difficult to change color especially in dark colors, it takes time. Patience is needed, we are back to the beginning again, it takes courage. In red colors, it is easy to darken when applying another color on it, but if you want to lighten your hair by getting rid of the red, you should not dye your hair for a long time (1.5-2 months) and wait for the paint to flow well. In addition to all these, when you dye your hair yourself, you need to increase the care you do to your hair, because box dyes generally damage the hair more than professional dyes. Especially in summer, the sun, sea, pool, hot air, humidity cause more wear on the hair. In addition, hair dyes flow more in summer. That's why you need to increase both the maintenance and the frequency of painting. Finally, if you have used a color that contains red or is very dark after dyeing your hair, be prepared to dye your clothes, pillow and towel while your hair is wet for 1 week. Towels etc., which most dyes dye in this way, come off when washed. However, my solution to this is to separate the hair towel and pillow to be used during the hair dyeing period (always dye them the same way) and not to wear light colored clothes when my hair is wet at that time.
Hamis: Don't be afraid to dye your hair yourself, be brave. It is really practical to dye hair by yourself because it only takes half an hour – 45 minutes. Be bold about color, if you like it, take advantage of always buying the same color. Good coloring!
Posted by Sinem Çomarlı
Hello, Ms. Sinem, my hair color was chocolate brown, then I wanted to lighten a little. I have a birthday prom, I don't like the color and I want to make chocolate brown again, do you think it will be damaged with chocolate brown foam paint, my hair is very important for me :/
My hair is dark and it has been processed a lot, it is very worn out, it can't even grow, you know, I've always painted over it again :( despite this, I still want to dye my hair with honey foam, what brand of paint did you use? can you help me?
If I say Mrb my hair is bottoms caramel, if I say light coffee, the tongue is on the top left 2. I want it to be a picture. What color is it, can you write the brand and its number, how can I collect it as a single color, I don't know my hair, I would appreciate if you suggest a solution
Avon gold light brown bnm ole I'm very satisfied, the price is between 9,90-11,50, I recommend something superr
sinemmmmm, didn't the last color you paint bleed, because it's almost red?
Hello first of all my namesake (: How are you?
I have a few questions for you, excuse me. I have white skin and hazel eyes. My natural hair color is dark brown, but I'm bored with this hair color, it looks very dull. I want to make a change.
My hair color is dark brown, my eyes are green and blue, do you think it would be good if I made honey foam between the ends and ends of my hair?
my hair is medium brown, my own hair is not dye, do you know the hair color of yeliz kuvancı, how can I fix that color myself at home.
Hello, sinem, I want to ask you something, how does the hair color in the 2 photos look on wheat skin, I like that color very much, how do you think my hair will go, dark chestnut or what color should I dye it.
Hello, very useful article, congratulations. Going to the hairdresser every month is both a budget and a separate concern. As someone who has been dyeing their own hair at home for a long time, I can say that foam dyes or dyes sold in perfumery do not give very good results. It is necessary to use the dyes used by hairdressers. Unfortunately, these paints are not sold in markets or hairdressers. I don't know if it's an ad but I buy matrix 8bc regularly every month from the website and I paint it, unfortunately the oxidant is sold in 1 liter, you can buy it once and use it continuously. I wish everyone success :))))))
Hello, sinem, I absolutely love the hair color in the second picture from the top, I have a little dark blonde on the highlight in my hair, how can I get that color of yours and I want to dye it myself, can you give me the brand and number, thank you
hello :) in another article you mentioned that your hair is only a reddish brown in the sun, is that color the one with the sunglasses on the far right in the photo? what you call hot hot coffee above?
I read it by chance for the purpose of adventure :) sinem
hello, can you give the brand and number of the second picture from above, thank you…….
The second color from the left on the top looks great..
My sinemci also dyed my hair a lot until I dyed it black. I was happy until I dyed my hair black. I dyed it black for my wedding, it was really great, especially at my henna, I was dazzling white skin and black hair on a purple dress. It took a long time but still stayed black. I decided to dye it when I said pregnancy and childbirth. Half of my hair was black and half my own hair color was brown and it looked funny. I went and bought a mustache, just like you, I was deceived by the picture on the back, I dyed it. When I came out of the bathroom, my hair was horrible. I was just like a satanist :) It's been 2 months, I'm still walking around like this. I had a haircut in the middle 2 days ago. I want to dye my hair again now, but it's okay, there is still a bit of black spilled paint on the ends. I love your 2nd photo from the top from the left. what is the code of that color..with love ;)
Selam Şeyma, yes, when you paint on black yourself, no paint sticks, the color gets worse. I think you can go to a hairdresser for once, especially if it's someone you know and trust. Hairdressers use materials that shed the dye in the hair, either you can make the black in your hair flow with this kind of material, or if you want it to be a much lighter color, you can lighten the color of your hair with a lightener called oriel. The color you mentioned is Honey Foam from L'oreal's Casting Creme series, I don't remember the code. My advice is to have a color close to this color dyed at the hairdresser for 1 time, then you can continue to paint it yourself at home with peace of mind ;)
Hello, everyone has gone through a similar process, I also experienced almost the same, albeit in different colors :) My question is how much did your hair fall out? How much damage did you feel? How long did the spill or other damage continue?
Hello Rose, actually I think I'm lucky, the shedding in my hair has never been above normal, no matter what I do, nothing has changed. Some dyes made my hair hard, but dyed hair needs more care. It's not enough to just wash it with shampoo, so I was able to prevent it from getting hard. In short, although my hair was damaged in a few of the experiments I described in the article, it is very healthy right now..
Hello, can you write the brand and number of the dark red paint you used recently? Thank you…
Hello Gülizar, Number 56 of L'oreal's new foam paint series Sublime Mousse is referred to as fiery hot coffee.
Are you the lady in these pictures?
It's not me in the picture, Ms. Sinem :)
Yes it is me :)
Every young girl clings to paints in a depressed period. They get in trouble when experienced moms don't help so they don't damage their hair, or when our daughter is like a goat. Which of us was not deceived by the color on the box, the incompetent hairdressers…. We didn't sacrifice how many t-shirts :)) Let's read and take lessons :)))
my dear dear, you read the article that made me very happy :) thank god no big disasters have happened to me, but i became a paint expert in the whole family :) i kiss a lot ;)