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How to make Dried Bean Appetizer with Dried Tomatoes? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk easy appetizer recipes, sun-dried tomato appetizer, dried tomato recipes, dry beans, dried bean paste, dried bean appetizer, practical appetizers, Practical Recipes

Dried Bean Appetizer with Dried Tomatoes

Release Date: 27-06-2022
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One of the recipes that I prepared before the holiday and I can't wait to share with you is this delicious appetizer with few ingredients 💕 I'm sure those who are looking for delicious and satisfying bread recipes will like it very much.

easy appetizer recipes

I really like to use dried tomatoes. Since some tomatoes are dried with plenty of salt, they become very salty, even if you soak them in water. My dried tomatoes had little salt. If your tomatoes are salty, you can not add salt.

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Ingredients for Dried Bean Appetizer Recipe with Dried Tomatoes

  • 2 cups cooked dried beans
  • 1 cup dried tomatoes
  • 1 large cloves of garlic
  • Cumin
  • Red powdered pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Fresh onions and parsley for serving

1. Take the boiled beans into the blender jar.
2. Add the sun-dried tomatoes and 1 clove of garlic, which you have kept in hot water for half an hour.
3. Add the spices and olive oil and mash.
4. Serve with spring onions, parsley and optionally beans.

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