Hot Chocolate Cake with Ice Cream
The last event I want to write about is Everybody's Table, organized by Knorr at MSA under the management of Chief Mehmet Soykan.
In this event, which was quite enjoyable, we tried Knorr's newly released pane mortars. I especially liked the crispy chicken mortars, which are sold with an oven bag inside. When I tried the garlic flavored one on chicken skewers at home, I got very positive reactions.
Hot chocolate cake, souffle, is a recipe I always love to make. When we made it with Mehmet Şef, I tried it for the first time using an aluminum container. I was so pleased with the result that I went to Eminönü Nuans at the first opportunity and bought myself the containers in the photo. These pots come in many sizes. The ones I bought are medium size and the price is around 2 liras.
Finally, you can prepare the dough in the recipe a few hours before your guests arrive and put it in the oven towards the end of your meal. You can serve warm cakes to your guests. Love….
Ingredients for Hot Chocolate Cake with Ice Cream
100 g dark chocolate
100 g butter
40 gr granulated sugar
20 grams of flour
2 pieces of eggs
To lubricate the containers:
Flour and butter
How To Make Hot Chocolate Cake With Ice Cream?
1- Melt the dark chocolate and butter in a bain-marie.
2- Beat eggs, flour, sugar and thoroughly and add to the chocolate and butter you melted in a bain-marie and mix again.
3- Grease the aluminum oven calpar with butter first. Then flour all sides by sprinkling flour inside and pour the excess flour by turning the bowl upside down.
4- Fill the mixture evenly into the cups and bake in a preheated 180 degree oven for 7-8 minutes.
5- Invert the hot cakes onto a serving plate and serve with ice cream.