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Bezel Cup

Release Date: 06-05-2012
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How about making a colorful surprise for your loved ones? You will also be amazed by the appearance of the tiny white meringue meringues, which you will not believe in the pleasure of its taste. Strawberry ice cream and chocolate sauce on it will herald spring to your loved ones.


Ingredients for Meringue Cup Recipe

  • 4 meringues
  • 20g double roasted hazelnuts
  • 60g dark chocolate
  • 10ml Drambui (1 tablespoon)
  • Carte d'Or Classic Strawberry Ice Cream


  1. Pull the hazelnuts in the robot.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and add 1 spoon of Drambui, a type of whiskey liqueur.
  3. Put 2 meringues in the cups.
  4. Add 1 scoop of Carte d'Or Classic Strawberry Ice Cream on top and continue until your bowl is full.
  5. Finally, pour chocolate sauce and garnish with chopped hazelnuts and serve.

Bon Appetit.

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