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Date Bonbons

Release Date: 01-08-2012
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For me, one of the most important things in the kitchen is to evaluate the leftover materials. Apart from the blog, I do works with different contents on food for many companies. This includes developing and photographing new recipes.

Even if you do not know, or rather, it is not published on my blog, sometimes 3-5 different kinds are cooked and worked on. Of course, these do not end with our eating or serving to our neighbors. Even if not everything that is left, I throw leftover ingredients such as cake, sponge cake or cream in the freezer and use it in emergencies. This is how date-palm bonbons came out :)

recipes from growing cake

It can be a very delicious and stylish treat both in Ramadan and during the holiday.

It would be more appropriate for you to use cake, as the sponge cake I prepared is more cake-like and sweet compared to the ones sold outside.

You can also use 3 tablespoons of pudding instead of pastry cream. If you have ready-made raw cream, you can sweeten it with 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar.

Important Note: If your dates are not large, use 6-7.


Ingredients for Date Bonbons Recipe

  • 3 cups crumbled cake
  • 3 tablespoons of pudding or (3 tablespoons of raw cream+1 tablespoon of powdered sugar)
  • 4 dates

For decoration:

  • Peanuts, Hazelnuts, Coconut Grated


  1. Remove the cores of the dates and cut them into small cubes.
  2. Take the crumbled cake pieces into a deep bowl. Add the pudding and dates and knead.
  3. Divide the gathered dough into walnut-sized pieces.
  4. Dip each piece in hazelnut, pistachio or coconut as you wish.
  5. Serve on paper.

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