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Grain and Herb Pancakes

Release Date: 28-08-2012
4 5 5 1

Good morning everyone from a cool and rainy Istanbul morning. The weather, which gave the first signals of autumn in the evening, brought a lot of rain to today in order not to make yesterday a liar. As always, the rain and coolness cheered me up and allowed me to start the day with a nice breakfast.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I said to myself that I will make pancakes today. First, I spent time with my beloved cat “name: meatballs” and gave her breakfast, and then I started to prepare my own breakfast.

15 min

Since I made pancakes every morning when I was on the Dukan diet, I finished all the preparations in almost 5 minutes and started pouring the pancakes.

While preparing breakfast and trying to photograph it to share with you, Köfte made a strong attack. Although he is only 3 months old, he is a very big cat and very playful. Considering that I work from home and only go out for sports and meetings, he has been an incredibly pleasant companion for me. For now we live happily ever after. Maybe I will add his photos to the blog sometime, but for those who are wondering, here is my other blog where I share my snapshots and small details I have captured. They can also check out Bitpalas.

Have a joyful day…


Ingredients for Grain and Herb Pancakes Recipe

  • 1 pieces of eggs
  • 2 tea glass of milk
  • 1 cup 7-grain flour
  • 1 pinch of finely chopped dill and fresh thyme mix
  • salt with the tip of 1 teaspoon
  • 4 pieces of cheddar cheese
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil (for greasing the pan)


  1. Beat the egg, milk and salt with a whisk until lightly foamy.
  2. Add the finely chopped herbs and flour by mixing, whisk until there are no lumps.
  3. Lightly oil the crepe pan or any Teflon pan. Take the excess oil with a napkin and heat the pan.
  4. Take 1 ladle of the liquid pancake batter you prepared and pour it into the pan. When the edges turn white and small holes appear in the middle, turn and cook the other side.
  5. Arrange the prepared pancakes on top of each other.
  6. Put 1 cheese sliced ​​in 1 finger thickness between each crepe, wrap it and serve by slicing.


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"Grain and Herb Pancakes2 comments for ”

  • on July 13, 2013 at 07:35

    What is 7 grain flour?

    • on July 14, 2013 at 23:28

      One of the flour mixtures sold in the markets. You can find it in the flour sections.


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"Grain and Herb Pancakes2 comments for ”

  • on July 13, 2013 at 07:35

    What is 7 grain flour?

    • on July 14, 2013 at 23:28

      One of the flour mixtures sold in the markets. You can find it in the flour sections.


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