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How to make Unleavened Pastry with Corn Flour? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 minutes, dill pastry, baking powder pastry recipe, unleavened corn flour pastry, unleavened pastry, corn flour dill pastry, corn flour pastry, practical pastries, Pastries

Corn Flour Unleavened Pastry

Release Date: 13-08-2017
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

I have a very practical and delicious pastry recipe for Sunday morning. So much so that you can knead it in 5 minutes and put it in the oven without waiting. It comes out of the oven while you are chopping the tomato and brewing the tea :)

30 min

If you have cornmeal at home, I would definitely recommend you to try it for breakfast this morning. If you are looking for different recipes with corn flour, you can also corn bread ve cornmeal muffins You can also try my recipes.

It would be better if we make sure that the butter in our ingredients is at room temperature. Neither liquid nor solid. You can add the last half glass of flour little by little during the kneading process. And as I said, cup sizes can differ from house to house. I use a standard 200 ml glass.


Ingredients for Corn Flour Yeast-Free Pastry Recipe

  • 1 pieces of eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of yogurt
  • 1 tea glass of butter (100 g)
  • 2 glass of cornmeal
  • 1 water glass flour
  • 1 sweet spice salt
  • 1-2 tablespoons of chopped dill
  • 1 baking powder


  1. Separate the egg white and yolk. (White on dough, yolk on top). Put it in a kneading bowl with yogurt and room temperature butter.
  2. Start kneading by adding 2 cups of corn flour, half a cup of wheat flour, dill, salt and baking powder.
  3. Add the remaining half a glass of flour according to its consistency and knead until the dough comes together.
  4. Take egg-sized pieces from the dough and roll them in our hands.
  5. Place them on the greased baking tray at 3-4 cm intervals. Brush them with egg yolk and dust them with black cumin.
  6. Bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees until the bottom and top are browned (about 25 minutes).



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