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Cocoa Honey Cake

Release Date: 11-05-2009
4 5 5 1

Well done to Mrs. Kezban...

honey cake

Ingredients for Cocoa Honey Cake Recipe

4 eggs
1,5 cups sugar
1 water glass milk
1 water glass measure of oil
3 soup spoons of cocoa
1 cb ground almonds
1 cb coconut
1 packaged vanilla
1 package baking powder
3 tablespoon of honey
1/² cb of water
As much flour as you get


Beat the egg and sugar until foamy. Beat the oil, cocoa and milk respectively and add a little flour. Then add almonds, coconut and vanilla and beat for 3 minutes. Add flour and baking powder until it reaches the consistency. Pour into a greased and floured cake mould. When it is cooked and cooled a little, apply honey mixed with water on it. Decorate with almonds and coconut. Bon appetit

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