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How to make Semolina Dessert with Cocoa Coffee? There is also 2 comment to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 minutes, semolina dessert with coffee, semolina dessert with cocoa, easy dessert, semolina dessert with milk, Practical Recipes

Semolina Dessert with Cocoa Coffee

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 1 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Max - 4 People
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 20 min
1 5 5 1

Hello dear friends,

I'm going on vacation, but I prepared a lot of content in order not to leave you indescribable. So there was a feverish work at home lately. When I shared the semolina dessert we prepared spontaneously on my Instagram story the other day, it was liked a lot. Cocoa semolina dessert I actually shared it on my blog 11 years ago.

30 min

This time, when the coffee milk we prepared for another recipe increased, we cooked it to evaluate it and semolina dessert with cocoa & coffee it happened 😄

When I was shooting reels, I didn't add any vanillin left at home. Add 1 pack if you want💕

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Ingredients for Cocoa Coffee Semolina Dessert Recipe

  • 1 glass of semolina
  • 1 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 soup spoons of cocoa
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated coffee
  • 5 water glass milk


1. Put the semolina, granulated sugar, granulated coffee, cocoa and milk in the pot. Cook on high heat, stirring until it boils.
2. When the semolina dessert boils, continue cooking on low heat until it thickens.
3. Wet my glass and pour off the excess water. Pour the semolina dessert into the bowl.
4. Leave on the counter until it reaches room temperature. Then take it to the refrigerator and let it rest for 1-2 hours.
5. Slice and serve.

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"Semolina Dessert with Cocoa Coffee2 comments for ”

  • Oct. 18, 2022 at 14:06 PM

    It's a great recipe, as someone who loves sweets, I will try it at the first opportunity. I learn new flavors from your site and I follow them with love. As a female entrepreneur myself, I am particularly interested in your dessert recipes, as I produce Anzer honey, a product close to dessert. I wish you continued success.

  • on July 10, 2022 at 23:25

    For years, I have been making many of your recipes from sweet to olive oil with my eyes closed. Thanks a lot for your enthusiasm. For this dessert, I wanted to consult the following: If we filter the grounds after cooking Turkish coffee and reduce it from the same amount of milk, I wonder what result we will get? Do I need to remove the vanilla?


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"Semolina Dessert with Cocoa Coffee2 comments for ”

  • Oct. 18, 2022 at 14:06 PM

    It's a great recipe, as someone who loves sweets, I will try it at the first opportunity. I learn new flavors from your site and I follow them with love. As a female entrepreneur myself, I am particularly interested in your dessert recipes, as I produce Anzer honey, a product close to dessert. I wish you continued success.

  • on July 10, 2022 at 23:25

    For years, I have been making many of your recipes from sweet to olive oil with my eyes closed. Thanks a lot for your enthusiasm. For this dessert, I wanted to consult the following: If we filter the grounds after cooking Turkish coffee and reduce it from the same amount of milk, I wonder what result we will get? Do I need to remove the vanilla?


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