Make Your Own Skin Tonic
Since the herbs in the tonic provide relaxation to the skin, the effect of the massage you will do after toning will also increase.
Apply a few drops of the tonic you have prepared to the cotton ball and apply it to your skin by buffering without wiping. After toning, spray mineral water on your skin and pat dry with tissue paper. Then you can apply your moisturizer.
lavender tonic
Ingredients for DIY Skin Tonic Recipe
Lavender, lemon balm, chamomile, marshmallow, half a cup of pure alcohol, drinking water.Application: A pinch of lavender, lemon balm, chamomile and marshmallow flowers are thrown into the boiling water. It is expected to brew for 15-20 minutes. After brewing, it is filtered into a clean container. Half a coffee cup of pure Alcohol is added to the mixture. The prepared mixture is stored in a closed bottle in the refrigerator.
Chamomile tonic
Materials: A pinch of chamomile, 500 gr. That.
Application: Chamomile is cooked in water and poured into an ice tray and frozen. Compresses are applied to the skin every day. It has a compressive feature and prevents sagging.
Dill Tonic
Materials: A bunch of dill, 25 grams of almond oil, a bottle of mineral water.
Application: The dill is washed and ground in the mixer. Add a cap of almond oil and mineral water. The mixture is placed in an ice container and frozen. Compresses are applied to the skin every day. Your skin will thus be healthier, brighter and more vibrant.
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