How to make Chocolate Apricot Cake? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk dark chocolate cake, chocolate ganache, chocolate cake, filling cream, homemade cake, how to make a cake at home, ready-made filling cream, apricot cake, fruit cake, sponge cake, Cake, cake decoration, pastry cream, sponge cake, summer cake, Cakes-Boutique Cakes

Chocolate Apricot Cake

Release Date: 22-07-2010
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After the specialist TV shoot was over, I had 2 sponge cakes left. Of course, it would not be possible to leave these sponge cakes with their necks down. As soon as the shooting crew left, I decided to make a cake with the ingredients at home.

The preparation of ganache takes a maximum of 10 minutes, but if you do not use a powerful mixer such as a kitchen aid, making sponge cake requires a lot of effort and time. You can use whipped cream for the filling. pastry cream Or you can use ready-made filling cream.

If you make the sponge cake 1 day before, it may dry out a bit, to remove this, you can slightly wet the insides with fruit juice or instant coffee with the help of a brush.


summer cake

When the video of making sponge cake is added, I will add it to the recipe.


Note: For those looking for a different recipe with less eggs How is sponge cake made?

Note: For those who want to prepare their own pastry cream How to make pastry cream?


  • 10 apricots, pitted and sliced

Sponge Cake Ingredients:

  • 6 pieces of eggs
  • 3/4 cup flour (cake, pastry, baklava)
  • 1/4 cup starch
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 packaged vanilla
  • 1 tablespoons oil
  • less than half a teaspoon of salt

Making the sponge cake:

  1. First, separate the egg whites and yolks without mixing them together. Take the separated whites and yolks separately into a dry deep and wide glass bowl.
  2. Place your glass bowl in a larger bowl with hot water (Be careful not to get water inside your bowl).
  3. In a bain-marie, add 1 cup of granulated sugar to the egg yolks and whisk until they turn white and get a creamy consistency (about 10 minutes at high speed).
  4. Add salt to the egg whites you have separated and beat until they reach 2-3 times their volume and become like snow (approximately 15 minutes).
  5. Sift the flour and starch by mixing them together.
  6. Mix the beaten egg yolks and whites in a bowl without making too harsh movements from the bottom up.
  7. When you are sure that it is completely mixed, add the sifted flour to the eggs 2-3 times by mixing it from the bottom up again.
  8. After covering the bottom of a springform mold or a circle mold with aluminum foil, pour the mixture into it.
  9. Bake in a preheated 180 degree oven for about 30 minutes.
  10. Remove your sponge cake, which you have rested for at least 2 hours and completely cooled, from the mold with the help of a knife. Separate it into two parts.

Ganache Ingredients:

  • 350 gr. dark chocolate
  • 200 ml. raw cream

Making the Ganache:

  1. Finely chop your chocolate or pass it through a rondo.
  2.  In making ganache, the chocolate should not touch the fire, so melt the chocolate and cream by mixing it with the bain-marie method.
  3. When it melts completely and becomes a homogeneous mixture, take it to the counter and cool it by mixing it from time to time (so that it does not form a crust).
  4. After it cools, pour it over your cake and smooth it out.

Filling Materials:

  • 1 pack of whipped cream or 1 pack of filling cream
  • 1 water glass milk


  1. Prepare whipped cream or filling cream according to the recipe on the package.

Preparation of the Cake:

  1. Take the first piece of your sponge cake, which you have divided into 2 parts, on the serving plate.
  2. Spread the filling cream, whipped cream or pastry cream in the middle.
  3. Spread the sliced ​​apricots on the cream and place the second layer of sponge cake on it.
  4. Cover your cake with chocolate ganache. Garnish with sliced ​​apricots and marshmallows of your choice.

How to prepare a sponge cake mold?

How to separate sponge cake layers?

How to Assemble Cake?

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"Chocolate Apricot CakeOne comment on

  • Sept. 16, 2010 at 15:35 pm

    I think it is awesome


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