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How to make Sundea with Chocolate Ice Cream? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk chocolate desserts, ice cream recipes, ice cream flavors, ice cream desserts, summer recipes, Ice Cream Recipes

Sundea with Chocolate Ice Cream

Release Date: 06-05-2012
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A unique taste experience where you can sweeten your chocolate cravings with a practical recipe; Sundea with Chocolate Ice Cream.

Get your Carte d'Or and get to the right kitchen!

chocolate desserts

Ingredients for Chocolate Ice Cream Sundea Recipe

  • 60 gr. Chocolate,
  • 1 tablespoon of butter (15 g),
  • 2 bananas,
  • ½ pack of whipped cream (150 ml),
  • 75 g roasted almonds (1 coffee cup + 2 tablespoons),
  • Carte d'Or Classic Milk Chocolate Ice Cream


  1. Melt the chocolate with the butter in a bain-marie.
  2. Slice the banana.
  3. Pull the almonds in the robot.
  4. At the bottom of the mug, first place chocolate sauce, then cream, banana slices, Carte d'Or Classic Milk Chocolate Ice Cream on top, respectively.
  5. Add ice cream and almonds to the top and garnish with wafers and serve.

Bon Appetit.

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