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How to make Chocolate Covered and Filled Strawberries? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 min, spring recipes, chocolate filled strawberries, chocolate covered strawberries, how to make chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate recipes, how to make strawberry filling, puffed rice, practical strawberry recipes, Practical Recipes

Chocolate Covered and Filled Strawberries

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 14 oy 4,36/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 15 min
14 4.36 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Spring has come, fruits and vegetables are starting to taste. When I tasted the sweet smell and sugary taste of strawberries, which I tasted at the market today, I wanted to give a colorful recipe worthy of spring.

You can use this recipe to cheer up your table, especially on birthdays.

You can diversify and multiply your materials as you wish. Chocolate-covered rice puddings and tiny candies are available in pastry shops. You can find filet peanuts, almonds or hazelnuts in markets or herbalists.

30 min

After washing the strawberries, you should dry them with a cloth or paper towel without dipping them in chocolate.


Keep in mind, if you don't want the strawberries to release their juices, you should separate the leaves and stems after washing them. If you are going to use it without stuffing, keep the stems and leaves.


A pointed pumpkin carving is all it takes to carve the strawberries. You can also use the labneh cheese you whipped by adding powdered sugar for the filling.


Important Note: Use couverture chocolate with high cocoa butter content so that the chocolate does not burn. This will also make it easier to freeze.


Have a joyful and enjoyable weekend.


Ingredients for Chocolate Covered and Filled Strawberries Recipe

  • 15 Strawberries (prefer the same size)
  • 250 g dark couverture chocolate
  • 1 bowl of peanuts
  • 1 bowl of chocolate chips
  • colorful candies (optional)


  1. Wash the strawberries, dry them. If you are going to fill it with chocolate and separate the stems.
  2. If you have chopped chocolates, melt them in a bain-marie if not in the microwave.
  3. Take out the inside of the strawberries with a pumpkin cutter before they go too deep and fill them with chocolate with the help of a spoon.
  4. Dip the mesh in the peanuts and candies in the bowl and put it in the refrigerator with the part you immersed on top.
  5. Serve after cooling for 10-15 minutes for the chocolate to set.
  6. If you are only going to cover the outside of the strawberries, dip them in chocolate and cover them with other ingredients and put them on a plate and put them in the fridge.


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