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Chocolate Banana Sticks

Release Date: 10-02-2017
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Hello Dear Friends,

I wanted to end the week of banana recipes with a recipe that you can easily make at home. I made it especially for the weekend so that they can prepare it with their children if they want. Our materials are few and concise :)

15 min

I bought mini bonbons and ornamental candy from a cake shop for color, but almonds, walnuts and hazelnut chips are better.

This recipe is a simple recipe, but there are 1-2 points you need to pay attention to. First of all, if you use money couverture as chocolate, as in the photo, the chocolate melts more easily and does not cut while melting. It is also easier to melt than other couverture chocolates.

You can melt the chocolate in a bain-marie or use the microwave. Those who will use a bain-marie should keep the hot water ready, chocolate tends to freeze quickly in such weather. As the chocolate freezes, it becomes harder to coat.

I bought the sticks I used from a cake shop. Those wooden sticks that we mix tea & coffee outside can also be used, but they are a little smaller.

When choosing bananas, make sure that they are not bruised and blackened. If it is too soft, it will be crushed or the stick will not hold.


Ingredients for Chocolate Banana Sticks Recipe

  • 200 g couverture chocolate
  • 4-5 bananas
  • walnuts, unroasted almonds
  • bonbons or marshmallows optional


  1. Chop the walnuts and almonds with a knife and set aside.
  2. Peel the bananas, cut them in half, and insert the sticks at the cuts until they are halfway through the banana.
  3. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave. Dip the bananas in the melted chocolate.
  4. Let the excess chocolate launder. As you wish, sprinkle each piece of banana, almonds, walnuts, marshmallows or bonbons and place on wax paper.
  5. Serve when the chocolate is completely frozen at room temperature.

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